Dallas Bucket List: Cowboys Game


If you’re a Texan, you’re a Cowboys fan. You just are. Don’t try to fight it, accept it. I’ve never been to any college or professional football game. I never had the opportunity and didn’t really seek it out. Almost a month ago, my friend Kalie asked if I wanted to go with her family. (!!!) Um, yes. Thus crossing off an item off my Dallas Bucket List! Woo!

Kalie and me

It was an absolute blast. Hanging in the nosebleeds, with one $5 water bottle and a $6 souvenir cup was totally worth it. The energy, man. The sparks shooting out of the ground when the team ran out! The absolutely monstrous stadium!  The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders! My mom is completely obsessed with their show (DCC: Making The Team) so I sent a video of their kick line to her. Absolutely insane. How they keep a smile on their face after dancing and kicking for ten minutes I will never know. I’d be lying on the ground screaming for chocolate and oxygen.

I don’t remember much about the actual game. I like sporting events for the food and people. It was plenty loud in there and we got this close to appearing on the jumbo-tron. The camera was literally on the row in front of us. Ugh! Just once I’d like to get caught on the kiss-cam.

Bonus! We got a free Cowboys tee as we left!

Kalie's Family!

Thank you Beasley’s for inviting me along!



Dallas Bucket List

Dallas Bucket List

I love the idea of making a list of places to visit. And now with Pinterest it becomes so visual! I had a short list on my phone of hot spots to hit up in Dallas, but I wanted it to become a reality. I’m an obsessed document-er. I take a photo to represent practically every place I go. For the more monumental things, I’ve added them to my Dallas Bucket List! For every bucket list item I complete, there will be an accompanying blog post or Instagram. I’ve already linked up the ones I’ve done! (Before I even added them to the list!) I love this city. I can’t wait to get out and explore it!

My bucket list will evolve and change and I hope will never be fully completed. I want to find new things to experience and do to share with you here. Consider this your unofficial guide to Dallas. (Psst! I’ve added this post permanently to the top nav bar. Check back to see if I’ve completed something!)


Visit the Farmer’s Market when The Shed is finished

See a Cowboy’s Game Done! 8.29.15

Girls night in Uptown Done! 8.28.15

Feed the giraffes at the Dallas Zoo

Spend an afternoon at the Dallas Arboretum, or see a concert in their concert series. (BONUS! Visit in Fall!) Done, and done!

Have a fancy dinner at Reunion Tower Done! 4.9.16

Order a sandwich at Jimmy’s Food Store Done!

Have coffee or a drink at Ascension

Take skyline pictures to my heart’s content on the Trinity Skyline Trail Done! 6.5.16

Take advantage of the cool, fall weather on one of Dallas’ trails Done! 11.21.16

Build my own chocolate box at Kate Weiser Chocolate

Chow on some doughnuts at Hypnotic

Chow on even more doughnuts at Top Pot Doughnuts

Have my first macaron at Joy Macarons Done! 7.20.16

Have a drink and enjoy a rooftop in Lower Greenville Done! 2.26.16

Take Pepper and visit the food trucks at Klyde Warren Park Done! But without Pepper.

See Big Tex at the State Fair! (Planned October 1!) Done! 10.1.15

Check out the skyline from Chase Tower Sky Lobby

Buy some records at Good Records for my new record player Done! 4.16.16

Visit Thanksgiving Square and chill out

Be provoked at the Nasher Sculpture Center

Be inspired at the Dallas Museum of Art Done!

Add to my enormous collection of Dallas skyline photos at Trinity Overlook Park Done! 6.14.16

Educate myself on the cool art of letterpress at We Are 1976 Done!

Try to choke down a whole juice at Local Press + Brew

Visit the literal giant eyeball in downtown Done! 3.19.17

Take Pepper swimming at White Rock Lake

Eat my way through Dallas’ top 60 best breakfasts list

Give myself permanent anxiety by slurping down cups of coffee at Method Done! 3.23.16, Murray Street and Mudsmith Done!

Experience Thai food for the first (ish) time Done!

See a game at The Ballpark in Arlington, this time as a Dallasite

Go canoeing or kayaking at White Rock Lake

Audition for a play!


So are you just dying to know? DYING to know how I’m doing in Dallas now? Big city Mel?


Are you surprised? Oh, stop.

The mini adventures I’ve had, the people I’ve met, the things I’ve learned I wouldn’t trade for the world.

BrunchGirls brunch!
Photo by Cait Butt

My adjustment time here was short. Like, a week. I’ve wanted this for so long it felt like I’ve lived here for years. My apartment is an absolute dream. (Look for an apartment tour soon!) My to-do list is a mile and a half long of projects and storage solution ideas but it excites me!

Kalie!My first Cowboys game!

Work rules. It’s funny. When I was a kid my sister and I would play school or office and some part of me has always loved clerical work. Don’t ask me why, but the idea of working in an office building is fancy. (Let me have this, guys. I wanna be cool.)

I’m still trying to settle into a routine here. After about a month, the non-profit I work for moved from two miles from my house, near Deep Ellum, to ten, in North Dallas. So my commute has grown, but I like it. I don’t think I would’ve ever explored this part of the city had we not moved! I’ve gone from wanting to cram every experience and sight and smell in as little time as I could, to being patient and accepting little opportunities as they come along. Like, a girls brunch in Uptown and meeting new friends!

I’ve loved Dallas from afar for 13 years, and it’s taking me some time to adjust to being here. To be present in this year, these months of adjustment. I want my love for this city and its people to expand and grow and change and evolve into the ministry I feel like God has pulled me to. I gravitated to Dallas for a reason.

Oh, ps. I have a preeetty comfy couch if you guys need a place to stay. Okay? Cool.






I’m Urban Now

HEY! I just found this that I wrote, like, TWO MONTHS AGO!? Because I’m a terrible person. BUT you get to read it now. :*




So I’ve lived in Dallas for a little over a week now so I’m super urban and adjusted now. I can get to work without using Google Maps so mark one down in the ‘win’ column, would ya? Thanks.

I cannot begin to tell you the ways God has been orchestrating my life this year. Well, all of my life actually, to get me here. On my first day at the BGCT (Baptist General Convention of Texas), I met 90% of the organization and 100% of that 90% were incredible people. They were all so excited to have me and welcomed me with open arms to the team. I had zero anxiety before my first day, something that has never happened to me. It’s home here.


I still have absolutely no idea what I’m doing and I’ll be in a tailspin for about a year, they tell me. But I don’t care. I’m in love with this place, the people, what we do. It’s Jesus. It’s just all Jesus. And I do not deserve this radical act of mercy but I know He has a plan for me here. I know there are powerful things for me to do here.

And I can’t wait to get going.

What am I doing




When I was about eleven or twelve I remember visiting my aunt and uncle in Dallas. I remember walking around the emerging construction neighborhoods with my family and dreaming out loud with my sister of the day we would move there. We wandered inside houses that weren’t quite finished yet and talked about things we liked and things we would do there. We drooled over the walking trails between the houses and gaped at how cool the parking alleys were.

That’s when my love affair began.

Over the years I would drive down very rarely for Six Flags trips with the church or to see Chris Tomlin concerts or summer trips to see the Rangers play. Dallas seemed like a million miles away from tiny ol’ Gladewater. But when I finished college and found myself suddenly single, I felt like I could do it. It was finally attainable. God knows I talked about it all the time and surely annoyed my friends. My friend Robert told me once, “Melody, stop talking about it and just do it already.” I think then I realized, huh. I guess I can actually do it. So thanks, Robert.

In the fall of 2014 and early spring of this year I dated a few guys from Dallas which only fanned the flames of my affair. I got restless. Hungry for that city. I talked about it more. Swore to myself I’d start saving every penny. I didn’t. I got angry with myself because I felt like such a failure. I felt unfulfilled. I desperately needed something new. A new start. I slowly rebuilt my life and myself over the last two years and I needed a new place to call home. Something that was solely mine. Something that I built.

So I started curiously looking at apartments in Dallas, checking them out to see costs and types of places I might be able to afford. I searched every apartment hunting website known to man, subscribed to a couple apartment finders, asked around and perused Craigslist.

A year ago when my sister, Shelby, moved to Waco, she found this absolutely stunning apartment in a fourplex. A kind of new-to-me concept. This old house had been turned into four separate apartments. She scored the corner one with it’s dark hardwoods and 12-foot ceilings and natural light. Crystal doorknobs and a medicine cabinet stole my heart in that place. I knew if I were to ever move out I wanted a place like that. When I initially started my apartment hunt (and this is so weird to actually be in a place where I’m typing out ‘when I started my apartment hunt’ knowing how this ends. TWILIGHT ZONE.) I knew that’s what I wanted, but wasn’t sure how to find it. I eventually convinced myself I’d never find a place like that in Dallas and continued to look for my own space in a big complex. Besides, the rent was cheaper there anyway, right?

Rewind to April. After a tearful conversation with my boyfriend (who, btw, has been my biggest cheerleader throughout this entire process *heart eye emoji*), sitting in the car, head in hands, feeling like a failure having not saved hardly anything, he encouraged me. Gave me a game plan. I made a poster. You know, one of those with the big thermometer that city’s make and fill in to show that they’re reaching their goal for a new pool or something. I listed out everything I’d need to pay for a move: deposits, fees, groceries, setting up cable, etc. and came up with a number. Little did I know that God had already been working in my finances months before.

Earlier this year, while on a date I might add, I totaled my car. Poor CR-V! I was absolutely distraught. But six hours of defensive driving and one ticket later, I finally got a quote to fix her only to find out she was a goner. But thanks to Jesus and State Farm I got a pretty hefty car replacement check. Then Mesquite produced the most beautiful 2007 black Honda Civic complete with ballin’ rims (dream car, nbd) I’ve ever seen just in the nick of time and left me with $900 to spare. Promptly put in my brand new savings account. Thus beginning my savings.

A few weeks later I parted with other very pricey items (sold immediately after listing!) I could live without and socked money away. Anything extra I threw at it. Within a month I was nearly to my goal.

I passively started applying to jobs a few months ago trying to find something in the retail world thinking I’d fit right in. I dreamt of being a merchandiser or buyer and applied to all sorts of jobs in that field. Nothing ever felt right. Nothing clicked. Would you believe I never got a single reply or call from any of those jobs? I started to get frustrated. Not a thing was happening for me. If I’d had this dream for thirteen years why wasn’t God answering it?! Where was He?! Why, after obsessing over my resume, were no companies responding? Why weren’t things happening on MY time schedule?

I make myself laugh looking back and seeing so clearly God’s hand (and arm and feet and head and face) over this last year. He was so obviously moving and I was too dumb to see it. I have had so many friends encourage me, without knowing my situation, the last few months when I was feeling defeated. Friends texting saying, “God told me He has a plan for you.” Or, “Good things are happening for you.” And the one I heard most often, “Everything will be okay. Stop worrying.” I never realized I was a worrier until recently. Jobs: Am I good enough? Am I qualified enough? Will I like the people there? Apartments: I’ll never find one that’s good enough. Safe enough. Pretty enough. Open enough. Old enough. Charming enough.
And then fear. Fear that I won’t click easily with coworkers. Fear that I’m making a mistake. Fear that I’ll get robbed in my new place. Fear that none of the timing will match up. Fear almost overwhelmed me. But I pushed through. Because that eleven year old Melody wouldn’t let me give up.

All those late night desperate searches for apartments online left me empty. I scoured Craigslist for any kind of unique place for months and nothing was coming up. Until May. May, you beautiful month, you. All of a sudden the dream places started showing up. Hardwoods, natural light, character, charm. My heart! I booked a couple showings in neighborhoods I liked and went down to Dallas. The first one was cute. Small, livable and within walking distance of Lower Greenville, my favorite neighborhood of Dallas. I liked it, but I didn’t feel anything. The second was huge, had a porch, and was still in my favorite neighborhood. When I left, the words, “It just felt like home,” fell out of my mouth and I cried. It was the first time in all the dozens of trips to Dallas I felt like I belonged. Boyfriend held my hand and said, “Apply tonight.”

Memorial Day weekend I applied to the Baptist General Convention of Texas as a Ministry Assistant in the Communications department. I actually stopped applying to anything else because I just felt at peace with that application. Sure enough, the last time I was in Dallas I got a call from the BGCT asking me to come in for testing. Just to make sure I wasn’t an idiot. (Spoiler alert! I’m not.) My phone had died earlier that night after apartment hunting and I didn’t get to a charger until about 11, just before bed. I listened to that voicemail and a look of sheer shock and excitement flashed over me. I went in for testing and aced it. On my way out, I happened to meet Paul Atkinson, head of Church Starting, who also happened to be looking for a Ministry Assistant. Kim, my tester, introduced us and we had an hour long informal interview right there in front of the elevators. That night I expressed my interest to HR in his open position and also applied for my dream apartment.

Over the next few days I worried more than I have in a long time. Would I get an interview? Would I hear back from the apartment? How much was this job going to pay? Moneymoneymoneymoneymoney. That’s all I thought about for a week. Obsessing and worrying that maybe I hadn’t saved enough or that the job wouldn’t pay enough and I’d barely be able to keep my head above water.

Three days after my test I got a call. Paul’s assistant, Terry, called to set up an interview. I couldn’t say yes fast enough. As soon as I hung up tears streamed down my face. It was happening. Suddenly I went from desperate and frustrated to overwhelmed by God’s provision. June 8 I went in for an interview. At the end I was offered the position. Completely stunned I accepted. The next day, in the middle of closing one local bank account and opening a new one with Chase, I got a text from the dream apartment manager saying, “Melody, the apartment is yours if you want it! Welcome to the building, neighbor!” The biggest grin spread across my face. I have a home. I. Have. A. Home. In. Dallas. 

I still can’t believe it. Every single tiny thing I ever wanted God gave to me. I absolutely do not deserve it. I am floored by his grace and generosity. Telling this story over and over to friends I hear God whisper to me that He saw the desires of my heart all this time. And I’m overwhelmed again. Everything I needed and wanted was handed to me. In two days! The sheer outpour of love from our Jesus has just overwhelmed me. I owe my life forever to Him. Forever.

This is my home now. And I can’t wait to share this new journey with you.