Twenty Three


Today is my twenty-third birthday.

I was born September 30, 1990 to my parents, James and Charlotte Taylor. I’m the first of three redheaded, fair skinned girls with sass, wit, and style.

I’ve never not been Melody Elise Taylor Rich. (Well, Rich came later.) I’ve never not been redheaded and fair skinned. I’ve never not been stubborn, Type-A, dramatic, and sensitive. My family has always been James, Charlotte, Shelby, and Rudy.

These 23 years have been an absolute gift of learning myself and who I am. From the day I was born I was given this puzzle with thousands of pieces and each situation and each day gives me new experiences to realize where each piece fits. It’s so odd to me that I could be born myself but still have so much to figure out about who I am.

Last year I turned 22. These last 365 days have… hurt. They have pulled and stretched me into new directions and forms. I’ve experienced some things I pray I’ll never see again and other things I pray I do. God has shown me his abundant grace and sweet mercy time and time again and I’ll never get tired of feeling that wash over me.

My prayer for this year is a continuance of His awakening for me. I pray that He would continue to pull me in new directions and teach me more about who I am in Him. I want to see myself like He sees me.

As far as goals for myself I want to become self-sufficient and independent. I owe my family a deep debt of gratitude for seeing me through this year and to Pat for handing me an incredible job on a silver platter. But this is a new chapter for me. I’m a single adult woman with the world at her feet. I want to live in an apartment, just me and Pepper girl. Buy only chocolate for food and save for ridiculous material things. Take road trips spontaneously and spend every weekend at a concert.

There are a lot of decisions left for me but more is left unwritten. I’ve got no plans, no deadlines, no timelines.

I am so excited!


I’m twenty three. Let the future begin.





How I Really Feel

is it possible to be physically and emotionally drained while simultaneously feeling so fulfilled? that’s how i feel right now…


all summer when i prayed for a job i expected something dull like a receptionist position, which is what i applied for, and something that would get me out of the house and get me a car sooner rather than later. i never expected this. and, i guess, that’s who jesus is. unexpected.


in late july, pat (jason’s mom/owner of the daycare) offered me a job and i turned it down because i was so sure something was right around the corner for me even though i hadn’t heard anything back from any of the jobs i applied to. (over 50.) a few days later she offered me the same job but full-time. i accepted it after some thought. i was scared. this was my first full-time job and my first ever daycare job. kids and babies scared me. what do i do with them? how do i feed an infant? when do they nap? when do they eat? when do i change them? how do i play with them? discipline? huh?

i. was. terrified.

but my first day was… alright. i learned so much in those five hours… i’ll never be able to repay mrs. dee, my supervisor, for what she has shown me this last month. i’ve met so many different kinds of people and developed new relationships with babies.. parents.. coworkers.. bosses.. it’s literally insane. it’s got jesus all over it and i’m just in awe every day of how much i belong there, you know?

i see the heartache of broken relationships in a parent’s eyes when she tears up because she won’t see her baby until the weekend and tells me, “just make sure he gets the diaper bag,” as i tear up too because i know all too well the searing pain of loss. i smell the cigarette smoke on the 14 month old. i hear the chilling screams of a child that just needs love… and a long, long hug. (and maybe a whoopin’.) if i could, i’d adopt them. i’d hold them all for as long as i could and kiss them all goodnight and snuggle them to bed and give them all of their favorite things and pray long and hard over each one… but i can’t do all of those things.

but i can love them while they are with me. i can love them and squeeze them and kiss them and pray over them and snuggle and hold and feed and bathe and clothe and care for them… i can do that. because i might be all they have. and i can’t even comprehend or fathom that thought. that me. melody. a girl that was terrified of babies could be all these kids have for ten hours a day. that when they leave, they might not get all that i want for them. they might not get the silly voices and the lap time and the snuggles and raspberries on their cheeks and the toys on their heads… but i can give that to them while i can. while i’m able. and i’m able. right now i know god is developing a ministry in my heart and he’s giving me compassion where i never had it before… where i never asked for it. he’s filling up holes in my heart that i didn’t even know were there. he’s giving me gifts and abilities and skills for what he’s got ahead for me. my “plan” is changing and morphing into something new and exciting and weird and different and fun and.. scary.


every day at lunch i just “need a minute” as i so often say in my head. i need a minute to just… soak in all of what is happening to me. i need a minute to cry for the babies that have no home. i need a minute to cry for the broken families and the aching souls. i need a minute to collect myself and realize that i could be all this baby has. this tiny helpless baby needs me. right now. right. now.


i want to fix it all. i want to help all of them. i want to love all of them forever. i just don’t know what to do but cry and carry it all and give it to jesus and pray. but i want more. i want more ministry. i want more jesus to give to these people. why am i here? financially, it’s getting me a car. but career wise? emotionally? mentally? priceless.


i have so much more of a respect and admiration for pat now. she is so. so. so. strong. i am not. she is bold. i am not. she is firm, blunt, smart, and good. she is grateful, thankful, giving, loving, and genuine. i love her. she is a model for me. she is teaching me so much without really knowing it. this past month has rocked my world. i love to learn, you know, so this is… good. so. good.


i love it. i love. because of jesus. i love.


-an excerpt from a journal entry 9.12.13

Sister Style: Simple Skirt


tee: Hanes, scarf: Old Navy, skirt: Target, sandals: Forever21

Shel wore this out shopping on Labor Day. Her style is simple and fun with scarves thrown in! She started student teaching this semester at White Oak ISD where our mom graduated from, though her passion doesn’t lie with teaching. Like me, she wants to lead worship in a contemporary setting. She finished up a worship internship at our church this summer and learned a lot about what it means to plan a service, what’s involved, and how to deal with people.

She’s 21 and single and you know what that means! That she has a cat she really loves. 🙂

So everyone say hello to Shelby! Everyone, Shelby. Shelby, Everyone. You can find more about here HERE.

🙂 Happy Thursday!


I Have Ten Kids


When I left UT Tyler in May I was confused, scared, and optimistic. When my divorce was final the month before my life stopped and I thought it was over. I tried moving on but I couldn’t let go. I committed to pray for God to restore my marriage, to restore me and show me my worth in Him. I was almost in a constant state of prayer during that time about myself, my marriage, and my new life out of the university. I thought finding a job that made me feel worthwhile would be easy. Ha! From the moment I graduated I started applying to jobs. A friend told me to look for secretary or receptionist jobs to ease myself into the working world. Well, looks like God didn’t want me there. I probably applied to fifty jobs and either didn’t hear back or was told I wasn’t qualified enough. (How?)

A month went by after graduation and God put Jason back in my life. I was… elated. And still am. And while there’s a lot of work to be done still I’m happy about where I am. God showed me who I am in Him through this horrific situation, and while I wished it wouldn’t have happened I am better for it. I found strength I didn’t know I had. I found the mercy and grace of Jesus in a new and beautiful way. I found love. I found peace. It took fire to refine me and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Another month went by and Jason’s mom offered me a job in her daycare. I turned down the first offer purely out of fear and worry. Thankfully she had another position open and I snatched it up. I didn’t know what to expect. Me? In a daycare? 10 babies to take care of? Yikes. I was pretty scared. I mean, I’ve never had a full-time job before and this sounded hard and I’d have to meet new people and start all over somewhere else and blah blah blah. I could’ve come up with a million excuses but I accepted the job and started the following Monday. I walked through the door and started training. For the next half hour I learned the ropes and rules. That whole week was school for me. I learned hundreds of things I never knew before and developed relationships with my coworkers and the babies. They’re my kids now and I can’t believe I get to take care of them all day. I think about what kind of homes they go home to and if they’re loved as much as I love them. I pray for them and their parents and their lives and pray they’re blessed and happy and healthy. I can’t believe how much I’ve come to care for these tiny humans in just two short weeks. It’s odd for me. But I’m in love. I’m happy and at peace! Never thought I’d get to say that.

While I’m still searching for other opportunities in a field more in line with my passions, I’m loving where I am right now. I’d love to find jobs or paying internships in fashion and makeup/hair. This blog has really opened up a new part of myself and developed new fiery passions and hobbies so for that I am thankful!

It’s been a wild, wild year so far. I have learned more about myself and Jesus in 9 months than the entire 22 years I’ve been alive. I feel blessed, happy, free, and peaceful.

We’ll see how I feel when I start my two online classes today! Intro to probability and statistics and Biology/Lab I. Yikes.


Happy Monday 🙂

The One Where We Went to the Park

Several weeks ago Jason and I took Pepper to a local park. There’s a famous rocketship slide from when I was little and several birthday parties happened under those pavilions. They’ve since added some new equipment but the feel is still the same. 🙂

Needless to say, Pepper loved it. We tired her out pretty good!


I didn’t realize until we got to the park that Pepper has never really been down stairs before. It was hilarious to see her figure it all out and climb all the way to the top then back down again just for fun.


Nothing like watching a dog drink out a human cup. My sister still wants to buy pudding cups and feed her like Airbud. Can dogs eat pudding? 🙂


Oh, and she mastered the slide. 🙂 Happy puppy mama day!

Afterwards we had to get snowcones and cherry lime-aids. (My idea, obvi) And then, poor baby, we realized we left her very favorite ball at the park and had to turn around to get it. I felt so bad! But she didn’t care. Classic Pepper!


I just love this dog!

PS. Click here to see my outfit from this day!



Our Beach Vacation… A Month Later (Part 3)


Isn’t it amazing how great the light can be at the beach about 6:00? Gosh, it’s really amazing. No shadows, perfect light off of the sand, and that sunset! GEEZ! I can’t even.


A GIANT storm rolled through our last afternoon there. It was being a little dramatic and faked us all out. But it sure was pretty…


This great little plant shop called Clay. I could’ve stayed in there for hours… it was so amazing. Shady, light filled, so many things to fill a garden with. It made me all starry eyed! Too bad I can only keep cacti alive…


Oh, and I cut my foot on a sneaky shell hidden in the sand! 🙁 Don’t worry, I lived.


So here’s my amazing family. We are a basketcase. A lot of nut jobs. But we are family. And we love each other. Right? Right. 🙂 (Oh and in this picture we are missing about 10 people. Yeah, I know!)



We love you Grayton!
