My life is crazy.

First of all, hi. I’ve felt disconnected from you! I’ve missed you. Take me back? That’s sweet of you. Let me catch you up…

Last week was crazy. Crazy like waiting for five packages to come in that I’ve been looking forward to for months. Crazy like my power cord being chewed through and my laptop completely dying in the middle of me transferring 14,000 pictures to my external harddrive. Crazy like waiting five days for a new power cord. Crazy like me starting my senior year of college! Crazy like only getting five hours of sleep Sunday night. Crazy like losing patience often.

BUT! My new cord came in, I’m completely in love with my new camera and lens, and my first day back to school was a success. Want to meet my camera?

Ain’t she purdy? Nikon D7000. Life made.

Well! I’ll be blogging (hopefully) tons this week since I’m back on a semi schedule! I only have class three days a week! But right now I’m going to conk out… zzz

Boohoo for my booboos.

Well this week has been a doozy. Like, forreals. I haven’t blogged all that much this week because some animal, who shall remain nameless, may or may not have chewed through my laptop’s power supply. So until the new cord I may or may not have ordered comes in or doesn’t come in, I can’t blog! Except from the iPad. And we all know that’s not happening. It’s real hard to do that. How do I know you ask? I’m doing it now. So you won’t be seeing any new pictures of Pepper for a few days. Oh, I know you’re heartbroken. Try to cheer up! 🙂

Wanna buy this?

Hey dudes. I have stuff. I want to get rid of this stuff. So I’m starting with this! A NIKKOR 55-200mm f/4-5.6 ED VR AF-S. It’ll autofocus on even entry level DSLRs. I used it on a D40. It’s a great telephoto lens for landscape and it’ll produce some pretty good portraits if you’re in a bind! It comes with a pouch, hood, and front and back lens caps. I’m asking $170 firm. It’s $250 new! If you have any questions email me at!






Food. Good food.

I had high hopes for food this summer. I’m sure looking at all that summery food on Pinterest had absolutely nothing to do with it, too. 😛 One of my summer intentions was to experiment more with food and cook more at home. While I’ve been pretty good at this in the past, ironically when I’m busier during the school year, we’ve fallen out of a routine with me being out of school.
Since we’ve already spent our grocery money this month and have run out of some things I’ve been trying to get a little “creative” over here with lunch. Of all things, I have a big jar of Nutella. No milk or chicken, but dangit I’ve got Nutella. Couple that with peanut butter and mini marshmallows, you’ve got yourself a mighty tasty sandwich, my friend. Oh, don’t forget to grill it like your life depends on it. And don’t put too much Nutella/PB on it unless you want most of your sandwich on your hands. Goes great with cherries on the side!

That second yummy meal was made in part by Shelby. Actually it was made in whole by Shelby. She’s made that a few times over here, the latest being our sleepover Sunday night. (post later!) Cream tomato sauce over garlic butter pasta, with mozzarella grilled chicken. Un.Believable.

Oh and that doozy at the bottom is the classic nacho. Microwaved for convenience of course. With leftover chicken and guacamole. Why did I forget about this food?

So my question is what are some quick delicious meals for two? I’m a champ at frozen pizza and carb-loaded meals but for some reason light meals evade me. Help! I kind of need to fit into my senior recital dress this fall. 😉

Sunday night girls’ night + our life update.

Remember our story about Direct TV? Well one of the things that was also cancelled/rescheduled that week was Girls’ Night. My two sisters, Shelby and Rudy, with our friend Chaney were going to spend the night and have a royally good time swooning over Pepper. We moved it to Sunday night and it couldn’t have been a better time. Direct TV came out the next morning and we spent Monday watching the Olympics! Weee! Would you believe the only two pictures I took were of food and Pepper? You probably would.

We spent the night talking about everything under the sun and eating red velvet cheesecake brownies until our heads fell off. We watched the ultimate chick flick, Something Borrowed, (have you seen it?! So. Good.) and stuffed ourselves full of s’mores trail mix. (Who eats that stuff out on the trail? It’s mostly chocolate!) It’s nights like these that remind me of why we are ready to move (and why I love people). Living 45-55 minutes away from our families, friends and civilization is a real bummer. Feeling guilty for inviting people over and asking them to drive 45-55 minutes is a bonus bummer.

Since late spring/early summer we felt God shifting our path a little bit. We knew moving to Laneville that we weren’t meant here for long but we just didn’t know how long. We are now really feeling God starting to gently push us out. There are still a lot of unanswered questions and uncertainty about where my own life and career will be in ten months. This right now is where God shapes us as Christians. This is where he molds us and asks us to trust Him fully. This, guys, is the very hardest part.

Being married and coming into a big transition like this is totally new; for both of us. When I graduated high school I just kind of gravitated towards Kilgore College and later knew that that was where God placed me. Graduating KC I had a very tentative plan to attend UT Tyler. I know now that God has me there for a reason as well, even though I’m not entirely sure of it yet. The thing is our house is such a temporary space we can’t be sure of when we will actually leave. There is freedom with that, but with that freedom comes a lot of uncertainty and a little fear. Now more than ever our lives are changing together. We each have visions of where we want to be but asking God to take our visions and make them His is… well, humbling. And hard. Real hard. But oh so very exciting.

In times like these I am thankful for my Savior. I don’t trust myself one bit to make these life altering decisions. Does that stop me from planning them out anyway? Nope. It does, however, make it that much sweeter and beautiful when I crumble and let God’s glorious plan wash over me. Oh, I can’t wait to see what our life together looks like in a year.


More pictures to prove that I really am obsessed with this dog.

This is really getting out of hand.

1. Had to leave her home when I spent the night with my sister.
2. Feisty and wet because she jumped, literally, into the shower with me.
3. She really wants the tennis ball in my hand. It was the only way to keep her still for a picture.
4. Hanging out in the back seat with little sister Rudy.
5. Happy.
6. Waiting for me to let her out of the car.

I took her to the vet this morning for her second round of shots and she took it like a champ! Everyone absolutely fawned over her. We have the absolute best vet around and he took super care of her. She loved it too, if only because he gave her treats when it was all over. We should really get her some…