How I Really Feel

is it possible to be physically and emotionally drained while simultaneously feeling so fulfilled? that’s how i feel right now…


all summer when i prayed for a job i expected something dull like a receptionist position, which is what i applied for, and something that would get me out of the house and get me a car sooner rather than later. i never expected this. and, i guess, that’s who jesus is. unexpected.


in late july, pat (jason’s mom/owner of the daycare) offered me a job and i turned it down because i was so sure something was right around the corner for me even though i hadn’t heard anything back from any of the jobs i applied to. (over 50.) a few days later she offered me the same job but full-time. i accepted it after some thought. i was scared. this was my first full-time job and my first ever daycare job. kids and babies scared me. what do i do with them? how do i feed an infant? when do they nap? when do they eat? when do i change them? how do i play with them? discipline? huh?

i. was. terrified.

but my first day was… alright. i learned so much in those five hours… i’ll never be able to repay mrs. dee, my supervisor, for what she has shown me this last month. i’ve met so many different kinds of people and developed new relationships with babies.. parents.. coworkers.. bosses.. it’s literally insane. it’s got jesus all over it and i’m just in awe every day of how much i belong there, you know?

i see the heartache of broken relationships in a parent’s eyes when she tears up because she won’t see her baby until the weekend and tells me, “just make sure he gets the diaper bag,” as i tear up too because i know all too well the searing pain of loss. i smell the cigarette smoke on the 14 month old. i hear the chilling screams of a child that just needs love… and a long, long hug. (and maybe a whoopin’.) if i could, i’d adopt them. i’d hold them all for as long as i could and kiss them all goodnight and snuggle them to bed and give them all of their favorite things and pray long and hard over each one… but i can’t do all of those things.

but i can love them while they are with me. i can love them and squeeze them and kiss them and pray over them and snuggle and hold and feed and bathe and clothe and care for them… i can do that. because i might be all they have. and i can’t even comprehend or fathom that thought. that me. melody. a girl that was terrified of babies could be all these kids have for ten hours a day. that when they leave, they might not get all that i want for them. they might not get the silly voices and the lap time and the snuggles and raspberries on their cheeks and the toys on their heads… but i can give that to them while i can. while i’m able. and i’m able. right now i know god is developing a ministry in my heart and he’s giving me compassion where i never had it before… where i never asked for it. he’s filling up holes in my heart that i didn’t even know were there. he’s giving me gifts and abilities and skills for what he’s got ahead for me. my “plan” is changing and morphing into something new and exciting and weird and different and fun and.. scary.


every day at lunch i just “need a minute” as i so often say in my head. i need a minute to just… soak in all of what is happening to me. i need a minute to cry for the babies that have no home. i need a minute to cry for the broken families and the aching souls. i need a minute to collect myself and realize that i could be all this baby has. this tiny helpless baby needs me. right now. right. now.


i want to fix it all. i want to help all of them. i want to love all of them forever. i just don’t know what to do but cry and carry it all and give it to jesus and pray. but i want more. i want more ministry. i want more jesus to give to these people. why am i here? financially, it’s getting me a car. but career wise? emotionally? mentally? priceless.


i have so much more of a respect and admiration for pat now. she is so. so. so. strong. i am not. she is bold. i am not. she is firm, blunt, smart, and good. she is grateful, thankful, giving, loving, and genuine. i love her. she is a model for me. she is teaching me so much without really knowing it. this past month has rocked my world. i love to learn, you know, so this is… good. so. good.


i love it. i love. because of jesus. i love.


-an excerpt from a journal entry 9.12.13

You Can Always Go Downtown + Mini Life Update


shirt: Old Navy (similar), shorts: F21 (similar), sandals: F21 (similar, these are cool, too!), ring: DIY, watch: thrifted, bag: F21

I wore this for dinner downtown. (That sounds so fancy!) I love these sequin shorts! It sounds crazy but they really go with everything. I can dress them way up or dress them down, kind of like I did here. They are a bit scratchy though, I’ll say that. But I’m willing to deal with that because SEQUINS.

That ring is my new favorite thing. I bought some white baking clay over a year ago and have been finding new things to make with it. So far I’ve made six or seven pairs of geo stud earrings, some geo magnets and a couple of rings. The other ring I made is shaped like a gaudy diamond. πŸ˜› I love DIYing. (New verb.) I’ve had a lot of time to do that sort of thing while job hunting! Yay being a college graduate! πŸ™

Hanging out downtown is a new adventure. I’ve never really been downtown and there are loads of new restaurants and shops to explore. The city has really done a great job of up keeping and developing that part of town. It’s always busy at night and there are smells and lights and sounds… I love cities. Even though Longview isn’t really a big city. πŸ˜‰ It just makes me more excited to make the eventual move to Dallas!

+ Mini Life Update!

I’ve been job searching for about two months now and have nearly come up dry. My tentative plan is to find a full time job as a secretary or receptionist while saving money to move to Dallas, start a retirement fund, and/or buy a house. While I’m working I want to find how God would fit me into his plan for His worship passion He has set on my heart. I’ve applied for dozens of jobs but, even after following up more than once, companies and businesses will not reply. It. Is. Frustrating. Why post a position if you are not willing to respond to candidates? Sigh. So a couple of weeks ago I get a call from a lady in our church needing a babysitter for two days a week! I took the job for a temporary solution until I can find a full-time job. I’m seeing God’s hand moving in His plan for me but sometimes it’s hard to see the big picture. I’m staying faithful in prayer though and am confident I’ll see the fruits of that. I already have!

Happy Monday!

PS. Be sure to click the links of what I’m wearing to “get the look!”


Nobody Looks Good In A Graduation Cap


dress: c/o eShakti, heels: Target, earrings: H&M, ring: c/o InPink

Finally! I’m blogging about this dress! eShakti sent this to me last fall and I never had a fancy enough occasion to wear it to. Looks like graduation was the ticket. πŸ˜‰ The sizing of this dress is perfect. There’s a hidden zipper in the side and an elastic waistline. I will say that the sheer sleeves are too big for my liking. I’d much prefer it if they were more skin tight. I’m sure I can persuade my mom to fix that. πŸ˜› Oh! Did I mention there are pockets?! Perfect for hiding my lipgloss and phone in while I waltzed across the stage last Friday night. πŸ™‚

Wanna see a picture of me in my grad garb? Okay, fine. Here I am in all of my robed glory.


This jumping picture is a tradition when I graduate. This is the third in my series of jumping pictures. πŸ™‚ I was supporting End It Movement on my cap. I hope I spread at least some interest and curiosity!


Upside down. Nice. πŸ˜‰

Funny story about that robe. My friend Megan and I were backstage and I wondered why hers, which was the same size as mine, was so much smaller. We looked at the tags and I bought a plus size robe. That would explain why my hands and arms disappeared. πŸ˜› We had a good laugh the entire ceremony, but I still rocked it, right? Right.

I’ve begun applying for bid kid jobs and it’s kind of scary! I’ve applied for three so far, all secretary related. I’m thinking I’ll get a semi-easy job and save up some money while figuring out where God wants me for the musical part of my life. It’s scary and exciting at the same time! Wish me “luck”! πŸ˜›

Happy Tuesday!

*Thanks to eShakti for sending me this dress and allowing me to graduate in style. πŸ™‚

Thank You


After I spilled my guts to you last Thursday, I couldn’t believe the amount of love and encouragement you guys showed me. Facebook messages and tweets came in and at each one I smiled. I gotta tell ya, I was nervous about posting that. It was a tough thing to write and a tough thing to tell people. But with every encouraging message that anxiety and nervousness lessened. It doesn’t make the hurt or the heartbreak go away, but it sure helps. So I wanted to say thank you. It’s a humbling experience to share something so private and have people like you to accept it and encourage me.

Thank you. Now go enjoy that brownie up there. πŸ™‚




Hiiiiiiatus :)


It goes without saying that I haven’t blogged in three months. It was unintentional and I really miss it. It’s strange not taking pictures of myself every day. πŸ™‚

It hurts, but this blog is going away for a while, however it is what needs to happen. What I ask of you is to pray. Pray for me. Pray for the lives around me. There is uncertainty and pain and we need the comfort of Jesus.

I love you guys. Thank you for reading my silly outfit posts and commenting. πŸ™‚ I’ll be back, I swear! And you’ll be the first to know when that is.

Crossing things off.

One of my fall goals is to take a lot of pictures of the leaves. I’ve never done that before and it was a little harder than I thought. The leaves on campus seem to just be getting to their glamour stage and they’re really showing off. Maybe I’m really blind, but I’ve just noticed the leaves near our home start to change. I made sure to snap a ton while I was outside yesterday before they all off! I just love that rainbow vine I found on our tree in the front yard! How cool is that?!

I’ll be taking the rest of the week off to be thankful for my ridiculously awesome family and wear (very) stretchy leggings.

Happy Thanksgiving! I sure am thankful for all of you. πŸ™‚
