A Gif for Little Bit

dress: Old Navy, cardigan: thrifted, belt: Old Navy, shoes: Buffalo Exchange

So all I had to do Thursday was sing one song in our studio class (a performing class when all the voice students in a particular studio come together and sing for each other) and take a vocabulary quiz in my vocal pedagogy class. Our teacher surprised us by only keeping us 20 minutes of the full hour in class! Woohoo!

It was raining all day yesterday and will continue to storm throughout the weekend. Too bad I’ll be beaching it up next week. 🙂 So when I came home there weren’t a lot of picture options so I decided the “best” spot was in my music room. These were the best ones that came out of 100+ pictures we took. Yeah. It’s an art. I’ve really been wanting to drive around and take “location” pictures. There are a lot of neat places around here! Jason’s response? “Make some money on your blog. Then I’ll go somewhere else.” Plus the fact that Jason is already embarrassed to take them because kids at school have seen him taking them of me in our yard and have said things to him, haha. Like, “I saw you taking pictures of your girlfriend.” HA! Plus, it’s not necessarily his favorite thing to do, believe it or not.

ANYWAY, when we were taking these, I sat on my desk in front the window and LB decided she wanted to get in on some photog action. Here’s a little .gif I made of her…

Isn’t she adorable?

In some sad news, the family cat, Pippin, died yesterday afternoon after his health suddenly took a turn for the worst. That cat was my dad’s world. They were buddies! He was the craziest, toughest, sweetest cat you’d have ever met. He protected the girl kitties from being beat up by bigger boy cats and paid heavily for it with the cat version of cauliflower ears and cuts and bruises. But he survived all of them! We are glad, though, that dad was able to be home with him before he died. If you think about it, even though it might seem a little silly, just pray for our family! Thanks, guys.

Hope your spring break is great! Happy weekend!

Be Not Afraid!

tweed blazer: thrifted, blouse: F21, lace undershirt: gift, trousers: Old Navy, oxfords: thrifted

This is the second time I’ve worn lingerie as an undershirt in public. I am not ashamed.

Your Bun is Taller Than Me

top: thrifted, jeans: American Eagle, boots: Old Navy, glasses: Rue21, necklace: Rue21

Remember those boots I couldn’t get on? Well I finally got them on!

This was the first day I actually wore these glasses to school. I sat in my car for ten minutes deciding whether or not I actually wanted to wear them then decided what does it matter? But I still avoided making direct eye contact with people. 🙂
My family came over last night so Jason and I could help out with my mom’s new website. But the server, the one my site is hosted on, was giving us some issues. They cooked biscuits and gravy, skillet potatoes, and scrambled eggs. YUM.OH. Then we sat around a dying fire and watched mom nearly wheeze herself into a coma from laughing.

Take Two

lace top: Goodwill, white button up: Old Navy, jeans: Old Navy, boots: GoJane

Sunday night after our FPU class, we drove by Jersey Mike’s Subs and I decided I was hungry for a sandwich. A rarity. So I had my first cheese steak. At a Jersey Mike’s. And it was alright.
Then I decided I wanted TCBY. It is way too hip in there! With all the LOLs and BRBs on the wall and the changing LED lights! Yikes, TCBY. You are not how I remember you in that gas station next to a McDonald’s.

Sorry Feets

cardigan: thrifted, blouse: Rue21, skirt: Target, tights: Target, booties: Target, glasses: Rue21

This week has been so weird. Not having class Tuesday along with the thunderstorms we’ve been having has skewed my schedule up! It’s been numbing, if that makes sense. It’s felt like each day has run into the next. The rain has been super relaxing and so has my easy schedule. 🙂

I picked these shoes out to wear today not thinking about having to stand for an hour and fifteen minutes for choir practice today. Yikes. My feet were just a tad numb and sore walking to my car for lunch… Sorry feets.

This outfit got quite the review from my classmates. People said I was the only one they knew that could pull stuff like this off and that if the colors were any brighter it wouldn’t work but it does because they’re pastels and that I was a walking fashion commercial. It’s weird because this is like a normal outfit to me. I guess it’s because my head is in the fashion blogging world and I don’t care how crazy an outfit is as long as I feel comfortable in it and love it.

So, thanks guys. 🙂

I Got Glasses!

shirt: Target, jacket: Old Navy, scarf: F21, jeans: Target, boots: Go Jane,
bracelet: c/o InPink, glasses: Rue21

PSYCHE. I can see fine. But don’t I look adorable?
I made these last night. I had to add my own flare to them, surprisingly. Maybe it was because I didn’t have cottage cheese and am too afraid to ever try it because my cousins always ate it and it grossed me out. So instead I used sour cream. That’s the same, right?

Uh, hello. How good is Jason getting at taking my picture? Reference that second picture. Oh, and he just walked in with gummy Lifesavers because I’ve been really wanting some. He’s the best. 🙂

Oh yeah, and Happy Valentine’s Day! Jason and I both forgot about it and didn’t budget to do anything so we’re waiting until after tomorrow when everything is on sale and getting a buttload of candy. I love married life.