Strap it on.

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this on here before, but we’ve been saving up to buy a brand spankin’ new camera for Christmas! This one, actually. I picked it out in the spring and have just been side-eyeing it ever since. When we visit Best Buy I snuggle her and let her know I’m coming back… promise. And since it irks Jason that I don’t use a camera strap for the camera we have now, that’s actually his camera, I thought it’d be a good idea to suck it up and buy one, seeing as how I’m giving my left arm for the camera and all and wouldn’t want it flying over a cliff because I don’t have a strap. (longest sentence ever?) Plus, it gives me something else to shop for. 😉 This endeavor has reintroduced me to Etsy. Tis a magical place full of patterns, colors, handmade, sweet people… it only seems fair that I patronize a sweet shop and get myself a strap! Here’s a roundup of the ones I’m also side-eyeing…

one: leather neck camera strap by leathinity. $49.99
two: sunburst chevron camera strap cover by bluebirdchic. $40
three: navajo red camera strap by CapturingCouture. $49
four: leather camera strap in warm chestnut by MagpieAccessoriesUK. $39
five: southwestern camera strap by couchguitarstraps. $34.95

Which one is your favorite? I’m partial to leather, but think it would cut into my neck or arm. And I know I’m late to the game on this, but chevron is like, the best ever. Decisions, decisions!

(Pssst! Two more days until our surprise…)

Awkward and Awesome


-We’re only a week and two days away from our surprise. 🙂
-Getting something shipped here to house our surprise!
-We are scheduled to finally get DirecTV back on August 2! Woo Olympics! Also Golden Girls.
-Friday is dedicated to a marathon day date. YES.
-I finally unpacked my suitcase from our vacation two weeks ago.
-Getting lots of things squared away on the phone yesterday with too many customer service reps. But as least they were helpful!
-Netflix has season four of Breaking Bad now! Goodbye, evenings.
-Planning next year’s vacations. Oh. Man. Next year is looking goooooood.


-Jason was on the phone with DirecTV for over two and a half hours yesterday. Not one person called him ‘sir.’
-When he corrected the first person, she just giggled (probably because she didn’t hear a word he said) and kept calling him ‘ma’am.’
-Being put on hold three separate times because apparently no one at DirecTV knows what an average is.
-All of my flowers are either dead or dying. The only thing I can keep alive are cacti.
Bloglovin‘s new layout. It’s freaking me out.
-The cats playing with the thing we got to house our surprise. They can’t figure it out!

Hope you guys are having a great week!


Egg Sandwiches are the Greatest Thing to Happen to Me.

Since coming home from Chattanooga late Sunday night, I’ve been reveling in the incredibly rainy week we’re having here. I’ve been missing waking up earlier! Even though I’m off during the summer doesn’t mean I don’t need vacation from myself. Sitting around twiddling my thumbs while Jason is at work does not a sane Melody make!

Also since being home, I’ve fallen in love with egg sandwiches again. It’s meat! It’s protein! It’s a vegetable…? You can seriously put anything on eggs and it will taste good. Avocado, mayo, feta, pepper jack, lemon, spinach… where does it end!? There’s also been a lot of this:

Sleepy cats in my lap wasting away the rainy afternoons. This is my life!

I’ve also been really hard at work on that surprise I told you about here. It’s been heartbreaking, exciting, upsetting, disappointing, and exciting again. I can’t wait to tell you! But just like me, you’ll have to wait! 🙂 (…again…not a baby :P)

I’ll end with some instas of our trip around up there in good ol’ Tennessee.

It wouldn’t be The Rich Style without a feet shot. 🙂

I’ll be back later this week with a full recap of our trip!

We Made It!

We’re here in Chattanooga, TN staying with my cousins for a week. Most of my dad’s side is here staying in the house which adds to the fun! I couldn’t post until now but Jason and I came up yesterday and got here in the evening and kind of surprised my parents. We told them Jason wasn’t able to get off work until 4 today so we wouldn’t be here until really early Wednesday morning. My parents just got here! Surprise! So here’s to a week of sleeping on an air mattress, staying up late, card games, and floating down rivers.

Have a great week!

What Every Day of My Summer Should Look Like

Yesterday my sister-in-law and I hit up the pool. A full day of lounging poolside isn’t something I do often. Number one because no one I know has a pool. Number B) I burn easily. But oh did that water feel good on my fair, fair skin! I can’t wait to swim my little fishy heart out in our future pool. Ya hear that Jason? We will have a pool one day.
After getting our tan on we naturally got the greatest Mexican food ever accompanied by margaritas.

YUM.YUM. Let’s do this again, pool.

Awkward and Awesome!

my pretty porch flowers and window sill succulents. 🙂


-Answering the door without a bra on and not being able to ignore the knock because the door is open and they can see the TV on.
-Getting stalked.
-Watering the plants in Jason’s shoes because it’s too far to walk to the bedroom to get my own.
-Having the worst case of chaffing ever and being handed Preparation H by my mom to “help with the burning.” Thanks, mom.
-Not showering for days because I’m a grown woman and can do what I want. So there. (Don’t worry. I showered today.)
-Did I mention my sister and I were stalked? I mean, really, that’s about as awkward as it gets.


-My mom cutting my bangs for me. 🙂
-Spongebob is on Netflix. Duh.
-Homemade pizza! Possibly the best thing ever. Besides my mom’s homemade pizza. Oh, yum.
-Spending the night with my mom and sister and staying up way too late laughing deliriously. The best.
Upgrading to Jason’s 3Gs from my 3G. It’s like I’ve been living in a really….slow moving bubble. (I’m terrible with analogies.) I can’t imagine what the 5 is going to be like! Eeek!
-Saving money. Lots of it.
-The school gym is finally getting air conditioning. Hello, indoor running!
-Dreaming of moving out of crazy town and buying a place we choose. Ahh… someday.