A Puppy Birthday

Today is my sweet pup’s birthday. She is ONE! She has grown tremendously since I got her last August so I thought we’d stroll a little down memory lane. ๐Ÿ™‚


The day I picked her out. ๐Ÿ™‚


The day I picked her up!

PicMonkey Collage2


She LOVES playing in water. LOVES.


We put her in a shirt a few days ago. ๐Ÿ˜€


And here she is today. A year old and about to eat some birthday peanut butter.

It’s been a wild ride with this pup and she’s not even fully grown yet. I can’t wait to see how her personality changes!

Happy Birthday Pepper!


We went for a walk

A couple Saturdays ago we took Pepper out for a walk and the weather was cool and crisp! Pepper absolutely loved it. She kept taking laps! Haha! We love taking her to the makeshift track and letting her go crazy. She’s so fast! We could throw the tennis ball for hours and she’d be content. Can’t believe when she’s fully grown she will be huge! At least I can still (kind of) hold her now. ๐Ÿ™‚

Itchy shorts

cardigan: JCrew, blouse: Rue21, shorts: F21, tights: Target, flats: Target

Is it seriously November already?! Where the heck did October go?! It kind of makes me depressed that I have only marked off a couple of my fall goals. No worries! This Friday I’m marking off at least four of them with a family dinner. ๐Ÿ™‚

These shorts are surprisingly itchy. I think it’s the metallic thread. Whatever it was I didn’t stop itching all day!

So I haven’t showed you guys any recent pictures of Pepper! She is getting SO. BIG. Look!

I love to try and hold her like this even though she’s nearly too big for my arms. ๐Ÿ™ She’s teething a lot more now and she loves to play. I’ve been taking more video of her so I can remember her at this playful stage. Though I’m sure that will never change. ๐Ÿ™‚


cardi: F21, dress: F21, scarf: Walmart, jeans: Goodwill, boots: Goodwill, belt: thrifted

I tugged along my coat for class but it never served it’s purpose. It sadly sat next to me all day while I was warm enough in my cardigan. Sorry, coat.

Mondays are really kind of the worst, aren’t they? I mean there’s that giant hurricane hurling itself towards the east coast, Jason is out late playing ultimate frisbee, and I’m left home alone. Tired, hungry, and frustrated with taking care of the pets and house. When Jason finally gets home I realize how thankful I am for him and all he does with Pepper so I can relax. I’d make him dinner if I could ๐Ÿ˜‰ I guess that’s what those five bags of candy are for!

Today marks the two-weeks-until date for my recital! Mom is picking up my dress Friday and we’ll start getting it cleaned and altered. I can’t wait to show you guys! ๐Ÿ™‚

More pictures to prove that I really am obsessed with this dog.

This is really getting out of hand.

1. Had to leave her home when I spent the night with my sister.
2. Feisty and wet because she jumped, literally, into the shower with me.
3. She really wants the tennis ball in my hand. It was the only way to keep her still for a picture.
4. Hanging out in the back seat with little sister Rudy.
5. Happy.
6. Waiting for me to let her out of the car.

I took her to the vet this morning for her second round of shots and she took it like a champ! Everyone absolutely fawned over her. We have the absolute best vet around and he took super care of her. She loved it too, if only because he gave her treats when it was all over. We should really get her some…

What I’ve learned about dogs.

We’ve had Pepper for a week and a half today. Starting this journey, technically ten years ago,* didn’t prepare me much for what having a dog was actually like. I could dream about it, make plans and buy things but once weย actuallyย had her we didn’t know what we were getting into.*

Bringing her home was the weirdest most exciting car ride I’ve had so far. We tried keeping her in the back but she kept climbing out to get to us. I eventually just carried her in my lap and took pictures of her. In the beginning little things, like her panting, I was clueless about. (And still am!) We finally learned that she was panting excessively because she was nervous and anxious. Rightly so, the girl’s whole life was changing! She has since stopped and is completely healthy. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’ve learned that getting a dog is not a decision to be made lightly, not that ours was. Deciding to adopt a dog required research and careful thought for us. The cost alone of owning a dog was enough to scare us away from it! Shots, food, toys, heartworm medication, grooming, teeth cleaning… All we did in the weeks leading up to adopting her was read all about puppies and what they need. Do we get a dog bed now even though she isn’t housebroken? What size collar do we need? How much will she weigh so we can buy flea treatments? How much does heartworm medication cost? What’s a puppy mill? I know this probably sounds overbearing and ridiculous, but I needed to know that we were fully prepared to take her on. I’d never had a puppy before and was absolutely clueless about how they operated!

I’ve learned that dogs are much, much different than cats. I can’t just keep Pepper on the couch next to me and expect her to sleep all day beside me and occasionally take her to the litter box. I have to feed her at certain intervals and immediately take her out and then clean up the inevitable accident she will have an hour later. We can’t leave her out when we go places because she will chew my antique quilt and eat the carpet. I’m not saying this remorsefully, I actually love all the planning! The planning means thatย I have a dog!ย We finally have a puppy that we adopted and named and are caring for.**

I’ve learned that having Pepper means consistency, patience, and dedication in training.ย The Dog Whispererย is a faithfully recorded series in this house. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Just because we adopted a golden retriever doesn’t mean she’s going to turn into the perfect dog. Breed has little to do with how an adult dog acts. (Just ask Cesar! :P)

*(Times I had to get up and see what she was doing or take her outside. See what I mean? A handful. ๐Ÿ˜‰