Our First Year

Although our one year anniversary was over a week ago, (the 20th) it still doesn’t feel like it should really be here. Has it really been an entire year since we were married? We waited so long for that day that it doesn’t seem possible that it’s already been another 365 days.

There isn’t a lot I can say about this year. Only that it’s been full of new experiences, more love than I thought I could ever deserve (I still don’t!), house renovations, learning more about someone else, connecting with someone on such a deep level, meeting new people, starting a new school, graduating, moving, traveling, realizing that we really can do whatever we want to  (like sleeping on the couchbed) (such a new and weird concept to me since I was never on my own before we married) and just living.

I love you so very much, Jason! Here’s to decades more.

Thanks to mom and pop for keeping that cake in the freezer for a year! And to milkpod studios for all of our flowers. Including Jason’s boutonniere (I can never spell that right on the first try) shown above.

Thanksgiving: Part Four

Yes. Yes. We ventured out at midnight to Old Navy of all places for Black Friday. Call us crazy, it’s okay. We called ourselves far worse. We were actually pretty close to the door for getting there at 11. Soon after we got there, the line started backing up. Way up. When they started letting people in 20 at a time, everyone went straight for the $1 scarves and grabbed handfuls of them. Really? How many necks do you know?

The only reason I even wanted to go was for their 50% off outerwear and they didn’t even have the coat I wanted. However, I still managed to spend $60. Ha! You can read about my insane encounter with appalling grown women here.  I’m still angry…


Yesterday, the choir I’m in was invited to sing at a ribbon cutting for a new veteran’s home in Tyler. Senators, state representatives, judges, veterans, U.S. representatives, and commissioners were all there. (I rode the shuttle over to the site with David Simpson!) A representative of John Cornyn wrote a letter he wrote for this ceremony, Louie Gohmert was present, Jerry Patterson–the land commissioner who made all this happen–was there, the president of the UT Health Science Center attended, and the list goes on! It was so cool! There were several hundred people there most decorated in uniform and medals. This one veteran–we called him Indiana Jones because of his hat– sat near the choir and was red-faced and teary eyed throughout the ceremony. It was so sweet. I realized just how much I love America. It was patriotic without being cliche. I think a lot of times when I think “patriotic”, I think Star Spangled Banner, salutes, fabricated emotions and people getting upset for not being as patriotic as others.

However, this morning was totally new to me. I saw patriotism in a new way. The politicians were involved, sweet, down-to-earth and friendly. Something I’ve never seen up close and personal. Mr. Simpson was super nice on the shuttle. Humble and normal! The above named politicians each gave a short speech about the veterans, our country, and patriotism. I think we all teared up on more than one occasion.

I guess I just really wanted to share how much I truly see now how important veterans are. They shouldn’t be cast aside and thought of as those-crazy-old-men-who-wear-those-weird-hats-all-the-time. Or why-are-you-always-wearing-medals-it’s-2011. They fought for our country and to keep us safe. I think we owe a little something to them, don’t you?

So, without sounding desperately cliche, I’d like to say thanks to those men I saw today. The men who cry for their country, the men who are proud of that lump in their throat when they say the pledge of allegiance. Thank you to Corbet Taylor, my grandpa, for fighting and coming home safe so that I might have life! Thank you.

Guess What I Did?

I’m a woman of lists, okay. Let’s just get that out there. I constantly make lists. It’s fun for me. Lists of homework to do, lists of what to clean, lists of what to shop for, wish lists, etc. It makes me feel productive without actually doing anything. And I may be OCD but we’ll just skim over that topic.

So, last night I made a list-it was more like a timeline-of what to do today.
-Wake up early! (yes.. that was on there.)
-30 Day Shred.

Since it was on the list I had to do it. Now, keep in mind I’ve had 30 Day Shred on a lot of lists but somehow I managed to make an excuse and erase it. I started for the second time over the summer but only got about a week done. This time, I’m determined. So you know what I did?

Yes people. No one put a gun to my head or offered me money. I just did it. I was so happy when I finished I almost cried. I complain to Jason all the time and finally it was the last straw. I can’t believe I actually did it. I woke up, put my shoes on and just did it before my brain knew what hit it. Whew!

22 minutes a day? 30 days? I’ve done it before (and got super awesome muscles) so I can do it again.

Here’s to tomorrow! 🙂

Wanna join me? Buy the DVD here and let’s get shredded together!

Our Weekend

We laid low this weekend and it was glorious. After a three month shopping freeze (for me) I finally got to shop with my birthday money. It was just nice to get out of the house. It feels like we’ve been on house arrest since school started in August. That’s the price you pay, I guess, for a degree. Blahh.

We decided to visit Green Acres Baptist Church yesterday morning. After driving to the wrong campus, we finally made it. Afterwards, I had to make a trip to Target to pick up printer ink and a binder for school. When we came out we saw this parked next to our car.

The most adorable old mini cooper! It was English and everything! Even the steering wheel was on the right side and there was an adorable long, skinny license plate. I couldn’t resist taking a picture. If you look closely, all the windows are cracked open. No A/C. Yuck! Tis adorable nonetheless. 🙂

And just for fun, here’s a picture of the dark, rainy sky on my way to school one morning last week.


How was your weekend?

A Case of the “I Wish”es

Ever have a case of “the wishes”? Where you wish you were somewhere else or in a different place in your life or had all the money in the world? I think I live in a permanent state of the wishes.

Going to school for another two years seems like a drag. I wish it were over.
I wish we were in a place to start a family.
I wish I could go out and buy everything I need/want to make our house feel more like a home.
I wish we were millionaires. I’ll settle for thousand-aires.
I wish I had my dream job.
I wish I had a big group of really close friends I could call on at a moment’s notice to do crazy stuff.
I wish I were more disciplined.

You get my point? Do any of you constantly live in a state of “the wishes”? These things are fun to think about but at a certain point they become a little burdensome. Thoughts?