Guess What I Did?

I’m a woman of lists, okay. Let’s just get that out there. I constantly make lists. It’s fun for me. Lists of homework to do, lists of what to clean, lists of what to shop for, wish lists, etc. It makes me feel productive without actually doing anything. And I may be OCD but we’ll just skim over that topic.

So, last night I made a list-it was more like a timeline-of what to do today.
-Wake up early! (yes.. that was on there.)
-30 Day Shred.

Since it was on the list I had to do it. Now, keep in mind I’ve had 30 Day Shred on a lot of lists but somehow I managed to make an excuse and erase it. I started for the second time over the summer but only got about a week done. This time, I’m determined. So you know what I did?

Yes people. No one put a gun to my head or offered me money. I just did it. I was so happy when I finished I almost cried. I complain to Jason all the time and finally it was the last straw. I can’t believe I actually did it. I woke up, put my shoes on and just did it before my brain knew what hit it. Whew!

22 minutes a day? 30 days? I’ve done it before (and got super awesome muscles) so I can do it again.

Here’s to tomorrow! 🙂

Wanna join me? Buy the DVD here and let’s get shredded together!