Maxi it Out

cardi, necklaces, skirt, sandals: F21, shirt: Target, 

Back in the swing of things with a little too warm of an outfit. 🙂 Wore this Sunday when my sister and I sang in church. I felt absolutely horrible. I’ve been sick with a cold since about Thursday and it’s gotten progressively worse. Sunday I woke up feeling worse than the day before. Got through the service and was convinced I had a 1,000 degree temp. Checked it and it was normal. Oh, the mind! Such a tricky thing. I popped this outfit back on yesterday to snap some pictures of it and I was just as hot as the day I actually wore it.

And so begins my never-ending hate of the summer season…

Summer Intentions

Hello, June. 🙂

In honor of this new month I’m going to challenge myself to do one thing a day, little or big, to keep my brain going and my body moving. I don’t want this summer to be me on the couch watching The Office. I’m already bored of that. I want this summer to be something. Something active and fun and useful.  I’m starting out with this list but will probably add more later.

-Read and journal
-Play piano
-Make a maxi skirt
-Paint frames and fill them
-Experiment more with meals
-Make clay jewelry
-Organize desk
-Paint antlers
-Wake up early and drink coffee
-Go on dates 🙂

So far this summer I’ve slept entirely too much. You know when you sleep too much you feel sick? Yeah. I hate that. Jason has a little solution for me though. He needs a lot of help this summer installing computers if we’re going to go on vacation when we want to. So tomorrow we’re getting up and working together. 🙂 I think it’ll be fun! We’ll get out of the house and be together. That’s the great thing about summer. It’s like during school I have a husband but I don’t have a husband. School is my husband. But being together so much these last few days has allowed us to just be. And that’s really the best thing ever. 🙂

Any projects on your summer list? Pile me up!

Seriously. SERIOUSLY.

Last night Jason and I went to bed at about 1am. We were up late watching Grey’s Anatomy like we have been doing for a week now. All the doors were locked, blinds closed, and cats put up. Jason had fallen asleep on the couch while I finished watching an episode. It poured that morning but was sunny the rest of the day, but it looked like lightning was flashing outside though I heard no thunder. I woke Jason up and we went to bed. We talked for a minute and then he was out. Trying to fall asleep all of a sudden I heard voices through a walkie-talkie. Freaked, and I mean freaked, I woke Jason back up and we both looked out the window.

A cop car.


In our backyard! First I was mad because I could hear the cop’s radio when he was 100 yards away from me. In my room. While I’m trying to sleep. At 1am. And then I was mad that I was mad that I could hear him and not mad that there was a robbery 100 yards behind our house. I’m insane.

I watched him look in the bus and mess with the door that looked like it was broken. Who called 911? Was he out patrolling and saw suspicious activity IN OUR BACKYARD? I watched him shine the spotlight inside the bus and take pictures of the broken door. I could hear the radio spouting off other 911 calls. He stayed for a while, got back in his car, turned the spotlight on and turned around to face our house.

I was in the window. He shined the spotlight at me. I ducked down knowing he had to have seen me. I looked up and he was still shining the light in our window. Anger. Jason was asleep. I could hear his tires on the gravel, turning and crunching. I saw his spotlight span the width of our house looking in all the dark places and the windows. What was he looking for? Thieves? There are thieves hiding by our house?! I was sure he was going to come knocking on our door asking what we were looking at. Then he was gone.

I voiced my safety concerns to Jason. I hate living here. At times we both do. It isn’t safe. The school gets broken in to several times a week. We’re right across the street. The whole school knows where we live. Students and teachers have come knocking on our door on numerous occasions. The whole town knows where we live. So why haven’t we been robbed? It’s only by God’s grace.

Turns out it was three kids from the school stealing gasoline. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. GASOLINE? The same three kids that have been breaking into the school. They were arrested!

So who wants to donate money for us to buy a camera security system?

Real Life

We haven’t been very busy since The Fall. (that’s what I’m calling the big crash…is that dramatic?) We’ve been hanging out more together (yay!) since my head isn’t always buried in school and Jason’s school is coming to a close so he’s home earlier and when school lets out he’s off on Fridays! I’ve been much lazier than I should be but I keep telling myself that it’s summer and I deserve a little relaxation time before I start tackling all of my summer projects. It’s not even June! Can’t wait to share those projects with you, though! There are some good’uns.

How’s your summer going?


I missed you so much! Man it feels good to be back here again. So if you haven’t heard, let me fill you in. It’s the tale of tales. (Oh, and I’m going to be narrating it with pictures of how I felt.)

When school ended I kind of quit blogging. I was so overloaded with school stuff that I just really didn’t have the time. Right after my last exam I drove to meet my sister at her school to help her move back. I ended up staying with my parents for two days. Fun? YES. But I didn’t have clothes. Plus, my brain was still reforming itself from being goop for the past four months.

After sleeping entirely too much for a week I was going to hop back on the wagon and give it another go. But every time I tried visiting my site I got an error. I checked my host’s FB page and found they were doing maintenance. Cool.

Not cool. My hosting company’s server company (does that make any sense?) didn’t follow my hosting company’s orders as to how to go about shutting down their servers for the maintenance. In doing so, they fried the hard drive and the backup hard drive.

My site was on that server.

Being a good businessman (holla, Chris) he didn’t freak out his customers and let us down easy. I was distraught? Sad? Depressed? Beside myself?

Not remembering that I had a previous blog with my older posts on it I was hysterical thinking everything I’ve ever written had vanished never to be recovered.

After I calmed down, I made sure my old site was still up (it was) and Jason told me about Google caches. I filled the gap from my old site to my new site thanks to Google. However, they didn’t cache my pictures. So if you remember a post and it isn’t up anymore it’s because I have no clue what pictures go to it. Also, I might have changed some pictures because again, I have no idea what pictures go where.

For the most part I figured it out, though.

Oh, and to add insult to injury, I thought I made a backup back in February of my entire site but it turned out to be a fake. So I had to manually repost everything from a year ago. Only after deleting my site four or five times because we had installed it wrong. Yeah. I’m exhausted.

But! Here we are, ol’ pals, ready to ride the trail of cats and style again. Are you ready?