Awkward and Awesome!

my pretty porch flowers and window sill succulents. 🙂


-Answering the door without a bra on and not being able to ignore the knock because the door is open and they can see the TV on.
-Getting stalked.
-Watering the plants in Jason’s shoes because it’s too far to walk to the bedroom to get my own.
-Having the worst case of chaffing ever and being handed Preparation H by my mom to “help with the burning.” Thanks, mom.
-Not showering for days because I’m a grown woman and can do what I want. So there. (Don’t worry. I showered today.)
-Did I mention my sister and I were stalked? I mean, really, that’s about as awkward as it gets.


-My mom cutting my bangs for me. 🙂
-Spongebob is on Netflix. Duh.
-Homemade pizza! Possibly the best thing ever. Besides my mom’s homemade pizza. Oh, yum.
-Spending the night with my mom and sister and staying up way too late laughing deliriously. The best.
Upgrading to Jason’s 3Gs from my 3G. It’s like I’ve been living in a really….slow moving bubble. (I’m terrible with analogies.) I can’t imagine what the 5 is going to be like! Eeek!
-Saving money. Lots of it.
-The school gym is finally getting air conditioning. Hello, indoor running!
-Dreaming of moving out of crazy town and buying a place we choose. Ahh… someday.

DIY Geometric Magnets

I bought some molding clay several months ago with the intentions of making geometric jewelry, but since I haven’t bought any ring or earring blanks I needed to make something else! For Christmas I asked my parents for craft things. Paintbrushes, craft paint, a hot glue gun, sketch pad and pencils… Getting married and moving out for the first time away from my parents I had none of that stuff. It was weird. Any time I wanted to paint my nails I had to go to the store and buy the colors I wanted since my sisters and I shared them all. BUT! I digress. This is the first “craft” (but not DIY!) on the blog and I’m really excited!


-baking clay
-craft paint
-small paintbrush
-sharp perry knife or a flexible polyblade/clay blade
-hot glue gun
-small round magnets


Cut off a small to medium sized piece of clay. Round it in your hands. You want the ball a little bigger than the magnet. Cut it in half or flatten one side to be glued on the magnet.

Use the perry knife to cut geometric angles on to the clay.

Bake it according to the packages instructions.


Pick some colors! Paint each facet a different color or stick with a solid. Let it dry.


While you’re waiting for the paint to dry, plug in that glue gun. Pump a dot of glue on the flat side of your shape. Firmly press the magnet on the glue. Let it dry.

Ta-da! Enjoy your geometric magnets. 🙂

illustrations above by Charlotte Taylor Creates

And these don’t have to just be magnets! Once dry, you could drill a small hole to make beads (or just poke a hole before baking with a needle), glue onto a ring for a trendy geo accessory, or glue them on to earring blanks! The possibilities are limitless.

Psst! This post is part of my Summer Intentions! Read the rest of them here.

Posted in DIY

That Time We Were Stalked in Drug Emporium

striped dress: Old Navy, lace skirt: Target, sandals: F21, sunglasses: thrifted
Thanks Shel for the pics!

I love this dress. The only problem is it’s just a tad too short for me. Layering tights underneath is fine for cooler temps but it is WAY too hot for that. After exhausting my brain for other options I saw this skirt begging to be layered underneath. It adds just enough length to this dress to be worn without leggings. Woohoo! Skirt shopping has a whole new dimension now. 🙂

Yesterday I went with my sister to take our other sister to the movies with some friends. We wasted time in the hidden gem that is Drug Emporium looking at all the health foods and super cheap hair products. Whilst on said hair products aisle, I happened to look to my left and see a gentleman about our age giving me the side eye while “looking” at the shampoo. I wish I could show you the look he was giving us. It was like a cheesy detective following someone around and hiding behind a cereal box.
I secretly pulled Shel to another aisle so I could tell her and laugh together. We walked back out of that aisle and passed the same guy like he had come to find us.
We moved to the other side of the hair aisle and looked over towards the front of the store. He was standing by the curling irons watching us. Again.
We moved again to another part of the store. Watching us. Again.
We moved to the makeup counter thinking he’d back off if we were in the feminine part of the store. Shel walked over to me and said, “He’s at the perfume counter.” I said, “Yeah.. let’s check out and leave.”
We walked to the front of the store, checked out while keeping a watchful eye, and walked out.
I looked over to Shel and asked if he was still watching us. She didn’t want to look but neither did I. I got in the passenger side of the car and turned back to look.


What kind of…?!

We talked the whole way home about how we wish we were brave enough to approach people like that. But a weirdy stalker guy in the middle of the day following two girls around in a health store? WHO DOES THAT?

5 Recipes I Want to Try

1. Key West Grilled Chicken
2. Clean and Lean Lettuce Wrap
3. Dark Chocolate Bacon Ice Cream
4. Browned Butter Strawberry Shortcake
5. Dijon Chicken Linguine

These seem perfectly light and delicious for summer. Well, besides the pasta and bacon ice cream. 🙂

There’s lots more on my Pinterest food board. I make myself hungry just looking at it. I was thinking the other day about this Word document FULL of recipes I copied before Pinterest existed. I haven’t touched that document since. I’m sure it’s spilling over with deliciousness but who wants to sift through text when I could be looking at beautiful pictures of food? 🙂

Have a food board? Leave a comment with the link so I can find more food!


Everyone mourn with me! Waaaaaaaaa!

Okay, that’s enough.

So a couple weeks ago the lens on our DSLR started acting up. Sometimes the body wouldn’t detect it so nothing would happen when I turned it on and it would stick when zooming. J thought in his infinite tinkering wisdom (sarcasm…?) that he could take it apart, fix it, and put it back together no problem. He took it apart, fixed it(…?) and hasn’t been able to put it back together. Since we don’t have another lens because we’re saving to buy a new body, I virtually have no camera.

We had already put back some Christmas money for ourselves so we decided to go ahead and buy the lens we were wanting ahead of schedule. I bought it in nearly new condition from Adorama and paid $100 less than the price of it new. I got it, slapped it on our camera body and tested it out. This horrific scraping and grinding noise came out when I tried to autofocus. Yeesh. So now I’m sending it back to be fixed and then to be sent back to me! Who knows how long that’s going to take.

In the mean time, the DIY projects I wanted to do are postponed because little ol’ P&S can’t handle those up close shots. Outfit posts should be fine though. This one was! So thanks for hanging in there through all these silly blog problems. I’ll try to get dressed more often. 🙂

Chocolate Covered S’mores

I made these delicious chocolate covered s’mores the other day. They were really easy to make but surprisingly difficult to eat. All I did was roast them in the oven, melt some chocolate, and dip! Easy-peasy. I’d like to know how to harden the outer chocolate while keeping the marshmallow from getting tough…Suggestions?

I also recently bought a popsicle mold and these look super summery. I wonder what flavors they are…

What are some good summer treats to make?