I first met Kait my second year at our local junior college. I was a few months away from being married, didn’t have a lot of friends, and was really focused on being the good kid. I was quiet, only making jokes in the awkward moments or during the ruckus. I remember there being new faces on that first day in choir especially in the alto section where I sat. We were rearranged and I was sat next to a girl named Kait. There was a specific moment, and I don’t remember the joke or what was said, that I realized this girl gets me. A few weeks later we were passing around a roll sheet or something and I glanced at her last name. Grogan? How the crap do you even pronounce that? And thinking very seriously about how we could exchange numbers and become best friends. SPOILER ALERT: we exchanged numbers and are now bffs.

From the very first day we met we just clicked. If you’ve ever met me you know my humor is sarcastic and weird, so basically if you’ve met me you’ve met Kait. We are the same. It was such a relief and actually a shock to find someone so much like me. I was blindsided by our friendship because I wasn’t looking.
Our friendship grew like an awkward teenage boy into something neither of us probably expected. Kait has been my confidant, my encourager, and someone who still gets me even when I don’t think anyone does. She constantly surprises me by how much she gets me. It’s pretty cool.
She is gentle and caring and crazy about dogs. Beware if you’re walking your dog within 500 feet of her. She will find you and she will pet it. She’s generous and hard-working and has a serious work ethic. She once made an A on a project and was so upset about it she explained to our teacher why she deserved an A+. She got it.
Kait grew up in Ohio with her sister and parents then moved to Louisiana. Her teenage years were spent here in east Texas and for that I could not be happier. She still talks about snow like it’s a real thing, though.
We’re often together and where one of us is the other will be, as the rest of our friends have figured out. We text all day every day about all the girl crazy, embarrassing daily things and deep fears that we realize in the middle of Ulta. I can’t imagine how I deserve a friend like her.
Kait loves music. Like, loves music. So much so that her high school choir teacher inspired her to major in music and teach! The very same teacher she will get to student teach with this fall. She’s so happy. Kait’s a teacher. She teaches me and has taught me over late night text messages when I didn’t understand the homework. She’s smart, you guys. Real smart.
So like a really smart and good blogger I came up with some questions after I’d already started this series but just in time for this week’s GTKY. 🙂 Here are Kait’s answers to the greatest list of questions ever created:
If our names were a hashtag, what would it be?
#kaitodylynlisegrich #isthatwhatyoumeant?
What do you remember about when we first met?
I’m assuming the first day we met was my first day of college at KC but I don’t really remember the first day. I just remember sitting next to you at some point in the semester and being like “she gets me.”
When is your birthday?
October 4
How do you relax when you’re stressed?
I like to turn my mind off and play an instrument. I’ll either go sit at the piano and just play random songs, or I’ll sit and try to play the guitar. I say try because I suck at it.
What makes a place home for you?
The place doesn’t make the home, the people do.
What’s your biggest passion?
My biggest passion is music. I would say teaching, but I don’t think that’s the case. I wouldn’t be as happy teaching something other than music. Oh, and also chocolate.
What’s your favorite time of day?
I would say I’m a morning person. I don’t typically sleep in too late. I like to wake up early so I can be lazy more hours in the day:)
Pet peeves?
Uggs and shorts. Walking on grass. When you drop your shoe and it turns over. YouTube ads.
Kait, when you move to Dallas in December come down every weekend and stay with me in my cool downtown apartment that I’ll magically be able to afford by then. Go be cool in Dallas and follow your dreams and teach and be an adult. Eat a lot of chocolate and get a dog but text me every second because you won’t be twenty minutes away anymore. (Okay, why are you moving there again?) I’m really going to miss you and I’m only just realizing that we will be hours away for real and it’s making me sad and nostalgic already so I love you. You’re my best friend and you know I hate being sappy but you’ve literally been there through it all so it can only go up from here. 🙂 Love ya Kaity. 😛

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