Eggs Aws Ted

I. Am. So. Tired. I think my body is culminating all the nights this semester that I’ve stayed up wahayyy past my bedtime. Now, it’s nearly 11pm, but I know I should have been asleep at 7! So please forgive the extreme silence/break on the blog this past week and a half. I’m doing good to get dressed every morning. Last night I thought today was going to be Friday (no class this Friday!) so I didn’t pack a lunch, get my books together, or figure out what to wear. But, thanks to Carino’s and their secret text messages a bunch of us ate lunch there together to ‘buy one and get one’ lunch FREE.

Hello $5 spicy chicken pasta…

After my last, extremely easy midterm I headed into Henderson, but only after not following my map and taking the really long way around into town, to get our car aligned. Hallelujah. I can let go of the wheel for a millisecond and not go flying off the road. By the way, thanks rural areas for having no shoulders on your roads. You’ve really saved us a lot of money in car mechanics.

Jason told me when I went there to firmly deny anything else they’d try to sell me. Gullible me I didn’t think they’d try to sell me anything else because I was only there for just an alignment. Three or four other people came in for just one thing and he ended up selling a couple of them new tires. NEW TIRES?! This guy is good. This is how he got me… Remember when I got a flat tire on my way to school and bent the rim because of said country roads? Well we bought a new tire and rim for that, but apparently it being so out of line it eroded that new tire, too. So what did ol’ mustache man come to tell me in that black and white checkered room? “Well, you’re going to need at LEAST one new tire, but you really should get two. I can’t align them until you do.”

Thanks, mustache face. I’ll call my husband and see what we can do. I nearly fell out when Jason said to go ahead and get the tire. We are driving 10+ hours this weekend after all. So I got the new tire. And ye old cobalt blue Kia Spectra drives like a dream now. I can now safely put on my makeup every morning in the car without fearing my life drive to school!

Right now, Jason is still at work taking down a chalkboard and replacing it with one of those fancy new Smartboards. Poor guy. He’s had kind of a hard week. People keep bringing him their home computers wanting him to fix them. Computers aren’t necessarily his passion so they’re the last thing he wants to be doing when he gets home. But at least he’s getting a little money out of it! Hooray Florida money!

How’s your week going? Hope you get to do/got to do something neat on spring break!

Four More Days

shirt: F21, skirt: Target, necklace: ??, watch:??, bracelet: F21, boots: GoJane

Four more days until this. And this. And this. Unfortunately, I’m not there yet and am stuck on the couch watching the cats hunt down roaches and listening to Jason sleeping. At least I’m not up studying my eyeballs out like I was Monday night. Yikes. Oh, and I’m finally getting my hair cut. Hooray! Friday morning at 9am couldn’t get here soon enough!

Any book recommendations for our trip? My mom bought me The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo which I can’t wait to read! My sister has the Hunger Games, before you suggest that, and it’s all OVER my “to read” list. I’d love your suggestions!

Doing anything fun over spring break?

Charlotte Taylor Creates

Hey all! If you know my mom at all you know how crazy talented she is: drawing, baking, cooking…

If you know her you’d also know that she launched her small biz Crumbs and Crayons a few years ago after discovering her knack for illustrating. Through her journey she had a lot of questions none of us, her family, could answer. Business questions, copyright questions, legal questions, branding questions…

Enter Holly Conger. The greatest thing to happen to my mother since my father. Holly is a pretty big time illustrator herself having her drawings being sold to the likes of IKEA, WalMart, different magazines, etc. Holly, however, decided to finally take a maternity leave after constantly working since she had her children. She separated herself from her business and the social media world. When she came back, she offered a limited number of spots to those looking to bust into the illustrating game. Here, Holly would teach and guide each person in their own business and eventually promote them. And my momma got one of those spots.

For the last several weeks, my mom has learned how to brand herself, how to build a website, and how to get LinkedIn. Holly has helped my mom grow in places we couldn’t help her grow.

So, I invite you to visit my mom’s new site! Goodbye Crumbs and Crayons hello Charlotte Taylor Creates! Here you’ll find her portfolio, new illustrations, her blog, and her ever so famous Free Recipe Friday. Jason and I helped her put it together while she paid me in colored jeans. Hip hip hooray!

Awesome Things

I “made up” a new hairstyle. I’ll try to get pics tomorrow.
Getting loads of compliments on my “made up” hairstyle. I really have a lot of hair.
Our Masterworks concert was Saturday night. John Rutter’s Gloria never ceases to make me cry.
Mexican food with my family and the in-laws after the concert. Lots of conversation and hot sauce with butter. Yum.
Someone is finally coming to look at one of my prom dresses for sale next week! Yay!
Hearing all of my sister’s stories about her week in NYC. I want to go back!
That sister buying me a present that I will receive tomorrow. Hooray!
Did I mention I’m going to Florida in a week?

Finally starting to make a hair appointment! Me making a hair appointment usually goes about like this:
Hair grows out way too long.
Mel gets anxious and waits forever to call and make appointment.
Mel finally calls to make appointment. Hair stylist isn’t in.
Hair stylist calls Mel back at a number that doesn’t exist because Mel doesn’t know her own home phone number.
Hair stylist is friends with Mel on Facebook. Hair stylist messages Mel and gives a callback number.
Mel calls callback number. Leaves message without another callback number.
Mel leaves Facebook message with actual home number this time.
Mel eventually gets her haircut.

And they all lived happily ever after with freshly cut hair.

Saturday Stylings: We Might Be On the News

shirt: Target, skirt: Old Navy, sandals: Buffalo Exchange, necklace: Rue21

On a lighter note…I might’ve been on the news last night, but I don’t know since we don’t have cable. Lemme ‘splain.

Laneville is suuper small and all they have is a basketball team. A really good basketball team. Like, state champs for three years really good. They go to the playoffs every year and this year was no exception. There was a game yesterday morning so, naturally, they cancelled school. Jason left way early and rode the bus with the team to the game that didn’t start until 10. I got up, left for class and picked him up afterward. We had a delicious lunch at Jucy’s and since we didn’t have anywhere to be until 6 we decided to go to Best Buy and drool over my dream camera (that I’m getting for Christmas! Yay savings!) As we were walking in I saw a lady with a hefty camera walking back towards us. In my head I thought, “Cool! I wanna be on TV!” But usually when I see someone with a big camera, they never ask me anything. It must be my intimidating good looks. Anyone? Anyone? Is this thing on!?

But lo and behold she said, “Hey guys! I’m with KETK 56 and we’re doing a story on autocorrect and about whether or not you use it or even like it.” She then hoisted the camera onto her shoulder, did kind of a nod which I took to mean, “Talk, dummies,” so I did. I stammered and uhh’d and said autocorrect about 60 times while Jason stood motionless at my side. Thanks, hub. You always know when to bail me out.

The whole process took like 30 seconds from the time she approached us to when she turned the camera off. Walking away she probably thought, “Yeah, that’s trash. Where are some more people?” I thought she’d surely ask us something while the camera was actually on instead of asking us–Awkward Queen and King–to come up with something off the cuff.

So, I have no idea whether or not they aired our little gem of an interview. So if you saw a goofy looking red haired girl that desperately needs a haircut and a bearded gent on your local news Friday night, let a sista’ know so she can protest that mug.

What We’ve Been Up To

My incredibly lucky sister got to go to NYC this week and skip school. Texas A&M-Commerce’s choir got invited to sing at Carnegie Hall! How AMAZING is that?! She kept sending me pictures all week and these were my favorites.
-View from her hotel at night
-The FOUR STORY Forever21.
-Central Park

It’s been a pretty lazy week, despite my monstrous music history test I had to study for. (I think I did alright! Here’s to hoping for a B…)
-LB has discovered the sink.
-The COOLEST decal I saw parked next to me Wednesday. LOST fans? Anyone?
-A favorite picture my sister took of us.
-The Blue Man Group was playing at the Cowan center (the big auditorium at UT) and they’re “stuff” was sitting in the hallway beside my voice lesson. Crazy cool.
-Just saw this on our A/C temp controller yesterday. If you’ve been in a choir you know who this guy is. If not, google him!
-Homemade calzones. 🙂
-Our new couches on the trailer.
-The best place to eat near us!
-Picking up some books at the library.

All I did yesterday was workout (every day this week so far!), do all the dishes from this shin-dig (finally–embarrassing), laundry, and listen to the Civil Wars on Grooveshark. A very productive day I’d say. 🙂

How was your week?

PS. Google Friend Connect was recently discontinued. So if you were following me through Google and can’t anymore, follow me through Bloglovin’. The link is on the left under my picture. 🙂