At the Risk of Looking Like an Idiot…

I posted that link on Facebook yesterday in a bit of frustration with… well, with a lot of things. Watch it (and read the comments) and then come back, okay?

Watched it? Good.

Remember that part about the financial aspect of churches? Remember when that lady said there should be some give and take if you tithe? Remember my face getting tomato red when I heard that?

I paused the video, backed it up, shrieked, and played it again. I could not believe my ears, you guys. One doesn’t tithe to a church to expect something in return, other than for that money to do God’s work. One tithes because it is commanded of them.

We, as Christians, love because we are called to love. Even if you aren’t a Christian, normally one doesn’t do something nice to expect something in return. That kind of takes away from the genuineness of the nice act, doesn’t it? Unless you believe in karma, which is a whole other can of worms. Yikes.

Remember when that lady said “contemporary”* music isn’t reverent? Remember when I busted a blood vessel? Me too.

If you’ve ever been to a Passion conference, I bet you no one there would describe what goes on as irreverent. Now, I’m not knocking organs, hymns, or anything that isn’t “contemporary”* music. Half of the choir concerts I’ve performed in use strictly organ. It’s a gorgeous instrument. But, you guys, it isn’t the only instrument.

I guess my question is, when did Christians become so dang judgmental? When did we start judging the way another Christian worships? When did we begin to say that using drums in church is irreverent or unhealthy? I’d love to get your thoughts on that video and what I’ve said. I’m not the wisest person so I’d love your input.

I guess my challenge would be, for you and me, to catch ourselves when we start to judge someone for how their church service is formatted. (Actually, let’s catch ourselves when we begin to judge someone period.) Church isn’t about the format. Let’s get back to the root.


(Congrats, you made it all the way down! Sorry for the abrupt shift in content, hah. I just got pretty upset with that news story and felt like something should be said. Even if my voice is small.)

*(Oh, and I put that asterisk because I don’t really care for that word contemporary in reference to worship music.)

That Time I Ate My Weight in Yeast Rolls

necklace: ?, dress: Target, shoes: F21

Happy Resurrection day! (yesterday, I guess!) We had an incredible church service and celebrated our RISEN Savior! After church Jason and I headed back to my parents house for a delicious lunch of ham, roasted green beans, hashbrown casserole and yeast rolls. We topped it off with lemon ice-box pie. Uh, yum. I love spending time with them. 🙂 How was your weekend? Jason and I have a lot of candy to eat. 🙂

The Day We Become Grown-ups Because IT’S DISHWASHER DAY

lace top: Liz Claiborne via Goodwill, belt: thrifted, skirt: Old Navy, shoes: Cole Haan via Goodwill

I remember when I bought this skirt. I thought it wouldn’t fit, but I bought it anyway because I never try on clothes in the store. That’s dumb, right? Anyway, when I found it in my closet and put it on and it fit, it became one of my favorite skirts.

So here’s some news. Jason bought this really fancy recording microphone so he could start streaming himself playing Minecraft. (It’s this computer game that you build stuff on…? Don’t ask me. I don’t play it.) He got the mic in today, hooked it up to his computer, started streaming, AND already has 8 subscribers. That’s crazy, right!? It’s like insta-blogging.

Today is a glorious day. Jason and I are going to buy a dishwasher. The one we have is probably from the early 1800s and smells like fire when we use it. So it’ll be nice to actually wash dishes from a week ago. Also because all we have are spoons left. And mama can’t cut her chicken with a spoon.

Some Pretty Big News…

If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter you’ve probably already heard this incredibly exciting news, but I’d like to go into a little more detail.

When my bro/sis-in-law asked us about possibly joining Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University class, we weren’t sure. Mostly because it cost $100 and we didn’t have $100. But after some prodding and worrying (from me. Would they scrutinize our finances and check up on us all the time? No.) we agreed to take it. We missed the first week (and have actually missed a couple more) but this class has literally changed our lives. We think about money in a completely new way. Instead of instantly satisfying ourselves by buying groceries or going out to eat we think of all the ways we could use that money instead. Granted, Jason has always been frugal and in a way so have I and we weren’t splurging on anything and everything, so this class wasn’t that much of a stretch for us. But we didn’t have hope. We were living paycheck to paycheck like most of the US population. We were lost and didn’t know how to organize our money.

But this class is disciplining and conditioning us to think about our futures for retirement, kids, their college fund, and most of all it is giving us hope. Hope for our futures. We don’t have to be poor and working at Lowe’s in our 60s. We can be MILLIONAIRES (and we will be) and can live a comfortable life by giving to others and enjoying God’s earth.

I remember just after getting married I started to ask questions about retirement. How do we save? What’s social security? How do we pay for our children’s college education? All of these questions, and TONS more, have been thoroughly answered thus far and we aren’t even done with the class. We have three more weeks.

So this leads me to our big announcement:


We don’t owe a single penny to anyone. (Besides insurance and cell phones, of course.) We wrote a big fat $2500 check to the bank our car was financed with and said good riddance. We paid the last two installments of my tuition and said see ya later. (Thank you tax refund!) When I wrote those last checks this morning I didn’t know what to feel. But for the rest of the day I gradually felt that burden lighten and realized that we don’t have to budget for those things anymore.  We have a hunk of money free each month now. To SAVE! To build our retirements. To buy a dishwasher. (HALLELUJAH AMEN!) To finally chuck this old iPhone 3G and upgrade (eventually) to the iPhone 5.

It’s crazy to think that before this class I didn’t really know that being debt free was possible. I never paid a great deal to my financial future. Now I we do. (I love being married.)

We have hope. We finally, finally have financial peace!

Grattis på födelsedagen!

No, your computer didn’t malfunction. That’s ‘Happy Birthday!’ in Swedish. Why Swedish? Well, I just finished reading Stieg Larsson’s The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Is it sad that it took me almost a full chapter to realize it was set in Sweden and not some weird America? And the happy birthday? Well yesterday was sweet Jason’s 27th birthday! A post is coming up about his day later this week. So while I’m trying to get my head back on straight after our incredible beach vacay, how about the coolest thrifted blouse ever?

blouse: thrifted, jeans: Target via Goodwill (brand new-$5!!), boots: thrifted

Oh yeah, and I got all my hair chopped off! I think I lost 5 pounds when I did. It looked like someone ate my hair then threw it up all over the floor. That’s how much hair there was. I can turn my head without it getting yanked or stuck under my armpit! I can brush through it in less than 10 minutes! I can curl it! I have HEALTHY BANGS THAT I DIDN’T CUT MYSELF! Thank you, sweet sweet hair savior, Kelso/Michael.

Yes, we had an amazing time on our vacay thank you for asking! Believe me, there will be some picture heavy posts coming up once I melt back into reality this week. We hit the motherload on thrifting down there in ye olde gator state. They have 1/2 off Mondays! GET IT TOGETHER, TEXAS.

In other thrifting news, did you guys know that Tyler is getting a Plato’s Closet!? I almost had a panic attack when I saw that. EEEEEP!

PS. How humongo does my ring look up there? The waitress at dinner last night said, “Is that your wedding ring!? Awwwright!” 🙂

PPS. If you try to comment but get some kind of error let me know asap! My mom and I were having trouble commenting but as far as I can tell it’s back to normal now. I’m trying to get this weird error fixed so if you can’t comment you can email me or (surprise!) like me on Facebook and comment there. 🙂

Hello From Florida!

We made it! Saturday night we finally made it in a little after dark and walked into our condo to the smell of sunscreen and beach. It. Was. Amazing. Our balcony looks out over the beach and we are literally 10 steps to it. The listing of our condo said there was wi-fi, but when mom emailed the guy asking where it was, he said they just steal it from an unprotected wi-fi next door. Uh, what? When we got here, there was no unprotected wi-fi so he said to go to the Subway across the street? What kind of crazy…!? So now, some weird listing for wi-fi came up and I jumped on it. The cell service here is whack too so none of us have really been able to call, Facebook, or send emails. Not that we’ve needed too. 🙂 I mean, look at that view!

Anywho, just thought I’d do a little post since I abruptly jumped off the face of the earth there for a while. See you guys back on Monday. Maybe. 🙂

Happy Spring Break!