We Made It!

We’re here in Chattanooga, TN staying with my cousins for a week. Most of my dad’s side is here staying in the house which adds to the fun! I couldn’t post until now but Jason and I came up yesterday and got here in the evening and kind of surprised my parents. We told them Jason wasn’t able to get off work until 4 today so we wouldn’t be here until really early Wednesday morning. My parents just got here! Surprise! So here’s to a week of sleeping on an air mattress, staying up late, card games, and floating down rivers.

Have a great week!

iPhone pictures, vacation chat, and an outfit

shirt: Gap thrifted, jeans: Target (similar), earrings: JCrew, sandals: Old Navy (similar)

These were taken before a spontaneous trip for lunch on Friday with J. We then shopped till we dropped. It was so nice to get out of the house!

Sorry for all the iPhone pictures. The lens I bought that was broken still hasn’t been fixed and returned so until then it’s either lackluster point and shoot pictures or lackluster iPhone pictures run through instagram. 🙂 Instagram it is.

Right now we’re getting ready to leave for vacation in Tennessee for a week with family. Can’t wait to hit up the big flea market up there and visit the Atlanta aquarium! Don’t worry, I’ll be blogging all week while I’m there. Hopefully I’ll get some outfit posts but I have a feeling we’ll just be eating, drinking, and chatting 24/7. And that is A-OK with me. 🙂

My Irrational Irrational Fears

-Our cats running away. Shoot me dead.
-I think my hair will fall out after I wash it when it hasn’t been washed in a while.
-Cutting a vein on my ankle while shaving and bleeding to death.
-Someone being in the tub when I pull back the curtain.
-Having a “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant” baby.
-If a pen is pointing towards me on a table I think black magic will make it shoot into my heart.
-When I drop a grape, or anything spherical, in the kitchen it seems logical that a spider arm would creep out and grab it while I’m bending down to pick it up.
-When I pull hair out of the tub drain I think I’m going to pull out a person.

What is my life about.

How to Fail at Dinner and Still Be a Hot Wife

shirt, skirt: F21, sandals: Old Navy

Sometimes wives fail at dinner. If you’re like me, you probably fail at dinner a lot. Burn rice, overcook chicken, sauce is too sweet… My husband is just thankful for a meal and for me letting him use my foot spa because he bruised his heels.

Sometimes that’s what marriage is about. Eating burnt food and soaking your feet in a foot spa. Sacrifices, people. Sacrifices.

That Time We Were Stalked in Drug Emporium

striped dress: Old Navy, lace skirt: Target, sandals: F21, sunglasses: thrifted
Thanks Shel for the pics!

I love this dress. The only problem is it’s just a tad too short for me. Layering tights underneath is fine for cooler temps but it is WAY too hot for that. After exhausting my brain for other options I saw this skirt begging to be layered underneath. It adds just enough length to this dress to be worn without leggings. Woohoo! Skirt shopping has a whole new dimension now. 🙂

Yesterday I went with my sister to take our other sister to the movies with some friends. We wasted time in the hidden gem that is Drug Emporium looking at all the health foods and super cheap hair products. Whilst on said hair products aisle, I happened to look to my left and see a gentleman about our age giving me the side eye while “looking” at the shampoo. I wish I could show you the look he was giving us. It was like a cheesy detective following someone around and hiding behind a cereal box.
I secretly pulled Shel to another aisle so I could tell her and laugh together. We walked back out of that aisle and passed the same guy like he had come to find us.
We moved to the other side of the hair aisle and looked over towards the front of the store. He was standing by the curling irons watching us. Again.
We moved again to another part of the store. Watching us. Again.
We moved to the makeup counter thinking he’d back off if we were in the feminine part of the store. Shel walked over to me and said, “He’s at the perfume counter.” I said, “Yeah.. let’s check out and leave.”
We walked to the front of the store, checked out while keeping a watchful eye, and walked out.
I looked over to Shel and asked if he was still watching us. She didn’t want to look but neither did I. I got in the passenger side of the car and turned back to look.


What kind of…?!

We talked the whole way home about how we wish we were brave enough to approach people like that. But a weirdy stalker guy in the middle of the day following two girls around in a health store? WHO DOES THAT?


Everyone mourn with me! Waaaaaaaaa!

Okay, that’s enough.

So a couple weeks ago the lens on our DSLR started acting up. Sometimes the body wouldn’t detect it so nothing would happen when I turned it on and it would stick when zooming. J thought in his infinite tinkering wisdom (sarcasm…?) that he could take it apart, fix it, and put it back together no problem. He took it apart, fixed it(…?) and hasn’t been able to put it back together. Since we don’t have another lens because we’re saving to buy a new body, I virtually have no camera.

We had already put back some Christmas money for ourselves so we decided to go ahead and buy the lens we were wanting ahead of schedule. I bought it in nearly new condition from Adorama and paid $100 less than the price of it new. I got it, slapped it on our camera body and tested it out. This horrific scraping and grinding noise came out when I tried to autofocus. Yeesh. So now I’m sending it back to be fixed and then to be sent back to me! Who knows how long that’s going to take.

In the mean time, the DIY projects I wanted to do are postponed because little ol’ P&S can’t handle those up close shots. Outfit posts should be fine though. This one was! So thanks for hanging in there through all these silly blog problems. I’ll try to get dressed more often. 🙂