
Today I’m going to kick it back old school and journal instead of show you what I’ve been wearing. Is that cool? 🙂

Yesterday I posted the following status on Facebook. I felt a tug on my heart to elaborate.

Picture 5

Growing up Courtney and I were inseparable. She was like a sister to me through so many awkward pre-teen days and I’m forever grateful to her for that. However life got in the way. We moved on from one another and lived separate lives. Until about a week ago. When I announced on here where I’ve been so many of you reached out and encouraged me. Courtney is among you. She private messaged me on Twitter and expressed her love and concern for me along with a lot of encouragement in Christ. She also told me she prayed our friendship might be restored. When I read that I got a little choked up. For years I’ve wondered how I could contact her without being awkward. I believe in a small way God is using my broken situation to restore other parts around me. It’s to watch and witness. We had lunch the next week and caught up on everything that’s been happening in the last six years. We’re semi-adults now. 😉

Let me explain what Super Summer is. Super Summer is the greatest thing for youth. Honestly. It’s a camp geared towards high school aged students with a heart for leadership. For our youth group this was our Youth Council. We met once a week and had a Bible study and encouraged each other. Our youth minister at the time, Chad, came to us with this Super Summer idea and we fell for it. I was terrified because of this new thing called “family groups.” This meant that no one I knew was going to be near me for most of the week. Strangers? I’m like, 17. I’m too awkward for this. But God made it all okay through these things called e-grams, which I’m totally going to bring back. Each student at the camp has their own mailbox. Anyone can write a short note to anyone they want encouraging them and loving on them. It was the best part of my day when I went to check my mail.

I never threw any away. (I’m sentimental like that.) Courtney texted me a picture of a pile of hers so I decided to pull mine out too and reminisce a little bit. Notes from old boyfriends, cousins, sisters, friends… All of them encouraged me in the place I am right now. Notes written five or six years ago are somehow still relevant to me now. Only God can do that. These notes told me I was beautiful, that I was being prayed for, that I was loved, that more notes were being written about me to be given to me later, silly drawings were included, gratitude for the friendship I’ve given others… I smiled at each one.

I remember being so vulnerable at that age. Walking around feeling self-conscious and not good enough. I didn’t know my true worth. I think that’s a crisis in girls, and boys for that matter, at that age. We’re searching for someone to show us worth. Someone to tell us we’re good enough and beautiful enough. We seek it everywhere. I sought it in friends, boyfriends, and in myself. Six years later I’m seeing my worth. Throughout this divorce and heartache I’ve prayed for God to show me my worth in Him. I prayed that He would show me how He sees me. I never knew all I had to do was ask. Nearly immediately after my praying that I began to see how He sees me. Beautiful, worthy, sought-after, precious, loved. These are the words that define me. Broken, shallow, pathetic, useless, worthless, ugly. These are the words I thought did.

“Brokenness is the bow from which God launches healing.” Louie Giglio said that at a Passion conference a couple of years ago and I’ve never been able to get it out of my head. The problem was I didn’t know what I needed to be healed from. I knew I was hurting and broken but I couldn’t put my finger on the ‘why.’ The past six months have shown me my ‘why.’ And here it is.

I never let go. I always put God in this small teenager-Melody box. The one that didn’t know Him fully. (And still doesn’t.) The one that took others pictures of Jesus to make her own. I relied heavily on others to tell me who God is. What His love feels like. It never worked. I was too lazy and scared to ask God myself and to let Him in. I thought I had it all together, and it did work for a little while. But years went by and I started to become unhappy. Self-doubt, worthlessness, self-conscious, self-esteem… all of these ruled my life. I never thought I’d come out of whatever hole I was living in.

I’m broken. Dirty. A sinner. But I am not defined by those things. Through this broken time and sorrow God is lifting me up into my true worth in Him.

Beautiful, worthy, sought-after, precious, loved. These are the words that define me.


Humble Pie

Our air conditioner has given us a lot of grief since we got married. A bit into our marriage we had to shell out $700 to fix the gas line that led to the unit so we could have heat for the rest of the winter. Thankfully, the school paid half since they own the house. A bit after that we had to replace the electrical board because it was being leaked on. We paid that on our own–another several hundred. Since then we’ve been fine.

However, when summer really started to heat up our house just wouldn’t cool down. We’d have it set on 69 degrees and after about 11 AM it’d shoot up to 80-82 degrees. Most days I’d feel really dizzy or just sick so Jason and I would have to go to the back of the house to hang out where there weren’t as many windows.

Before the party Jason decided enough was enough and called someone out to look at it. The guy was out here for a record 15 minutes and we gave him a check for $80. He said we’d have to replace either the whole unit or the cooling system. That’d run us upwards of $2,000. Awesome, right? Read more


Yep, it’s me again. Here to rant and rave about so-called “street style blogs.”

Personally, I couldn’t be less of a fan. They’re narrow-minded on what they think style is. The Sartorialist is ranked one the most influential style blogs and while it does have some great inspiration, I couldn’t help myself to think, “Wow. Why is every single girl on here super tall and super skinny?” But am I really surprised? This is what people supposedly want, right? It’s what the media portrays as being the “it” thing. Perfect. I myself struggle with the reasons for wanting to lose some weight. Is it because I want to look like the image The Sartorialist portrays? Or do I want to do it so I’ll live a healthier life?

What REALLY grinds my gears though, is when they do post ONE picture out of a million of a girl who they call “curvy”. They’re PROUD of themselves. Like they’re doing us girls a favor for sneaking in a picture of someone who isn’t 110 lbs and 5’10″. Are you kidding me? I’m speaking of one specific post I just read on The Sartorialist. (The post is called On The Street….Angelika, Milan). She received some serious flack for calling that girl “curvy” in the comments and proceeded to ask what she should call her without calling her “normal”. How about just saying, “Wow! Look at her outfit!” Not calling attention to the fact that she doesn’t look like EVERY OTHER SINGLE GIRL ON YOUR BLOG.

In short. You aren’t doing us a favor by posting a single picture of someone who looks like me. It doesn’t exempt you from your narrow-mindedness. If you do showcase a girl like that, how about not calling attention to what she looks like? You don’t call attention to the weight and figure of every other girl you post about do you?

On the same note, what’s with girls my age and younger getting plastic surgery? My heart. Breaks. Are we not beautiful enough without artificial enhancements?

What do you think?

Things That Make Me Happy

I haven’t really had a prominent topic for a blog lately so lying in bed I’m thinking of things that make me really happy and that I’m super excited about.

I’m sure that came as a shock. I’m ready to call Jason “the hubs” or “hubby”. And I’m ready to sign my name “Melody Rich”. I’m ready to decorate that house! Little things like being able to take weekend trips camping or to Mavs games. Bigger things like starting a family and falling deeper in love with one another.

2. The movie “The Holiday”.
Jason, my sister and I absolutely adore this movie! The music, the actors, the story line, everything! Even though it takes place around Christmas time, it’s ALWAYS  a good movie to watch.

Being a music major, I appreciate the popularity of this season and their REAL musical capabilities. Wow. Just wow.

4. Fridays
Jason and I have the blessing of both having this day off. So far we’ve taken full advantage.

5. Shopping
When I’m in a shopping mood, these days are so relaxing. What makes them even better is finding $4 yoga pants at Old Navy.

6. Cleaning
I used to loathe anything that had to do with cleaning. Now I loathe it when something is the least bit dirty. Cleaning has become extremely therapeutic for me. I love a quiet day at home alone where I can just clean and mop and listen to music. Ahhh….

7. Cold Weather
Even though we’re nearly halfway through June, I can’t stop thinking about (and wearing) sweaters, long sleeve tees, jeans, boots, scarves and hats! The fact that 70% of my closet is stocked full of these items couldn’t be a contributing factor. 😛

8. Jason’s Encouraging Spirit
Before Jason came along I had no self-motivation. I would NEVER voluntarily clean anything or wake up before noon if I didn’t have to. Looking back over these past months since we got engaged I’ve obtained so many new qualities. I’m suddenly a neat-freak, I eat healthier, I get up at nine and try to walk or jog, (I actually WANT to do that. Whaaat!?) As soon as he walks in the door I start to move a lot more. He’s the reason I have so much on my to-do list.

9. My iPhone
I know, I know. That’s so lame. I love all its many functions: GPS, Facebook, Twitter, notes, calendar, etc etc. I don’t know what I’d do without it. Isn’t that pitiful?

10. Jason
He’s hot, he has a red beard, he loves to work-out, he loves to travel, he loves dogs and cats (though he’s allergic), he encourages me, he’s exactly like me,  he buys me chocolate, he surprises me at work, he spoils me, he wants what is absolutely best for me, he wants what I want, but most of all, he loves me!

So, there you have it. The top 10 things I could think of that make me happy and excite me. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I actually enjoy those things. 🙂




It’s a gorgeous day here in Kilgore. It’s a tad warm for my taste and I can only imagine what May-August is going to bring. No more crackling night fires! 🙁

Anywho, I guess lately Jason and I have just been longing to be married already. At times it proves difficult to be 50 minutes away from him all the time and not being able to be out there with him. But last night we were together almost the entire day. We were talking and I said something about only having nine more months. The realization of what I had just said hit me. Nine more months and I won’t be under my parents’ roof anymore. Nine more months and I will have a lot more responsibility. Nine more months and I will have bills for the first time in my life. Nine more months and I will have a house of my own. Nine more months and I will be a wife.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited! But I’m also sad and terrified. I’ve never been away from my family. I’ve always lived at home. It’s going to be difficult not only being out of the house but also being 50 minutes away. I love being with groups of people and making them laugh. I like attention and the spotlight. God is definitely showing  me how much that consumes my life by getting married. I’ll be in a house with one other person for a while and be in a town that has NOTHING. (and when I say nothing, I mean a school with about 150 kids in it and 2 “restaurants.”) It WILL be an adjustment for me. I won’t have a full, busy, loud house anymore. I’ll have a quiet, country, calm house. In ways I think it will be good and refreshing for me. But in other ways I don’t know what I’ll do with all of that spare time and energy. I will miss my family, no doubt about it. Jason and I have had countless conversations about it and most of them ended tearfully on my end.

I know marriage will be exciting and new and I cannot wait for it! But I just ask that you would pray for me to not feel lonely and empty when I leave. I don’t know what will happen and what all I will be feeling then, so just pray for me. 🙂
