Awkward and Awesome

It’s THURSDAY! Hallelu, hallelu. To me, it doesn’t feel like it. Today alone I’m working on four separate assignments. Mercy kill? Anyone?

-I came home Monday and sat on the couch to talk to Jason. When I got up I heard opera music outside. I looked out the window and lo and behold our neighbor was sitting on her back porch singing. opera. What?! Who knew a fifty-something year old woman and I would have something in common? In LANEVILLE of all places?
-One of my teachers… he’s nice enough.. but..
-Our student accompanist. He wears a seashell necklace. You know the kind. The thin white shells that string into an entire necklace? Oh, and he cusses. A lot.

-When we heard our operatic neighbor Jason said, “Hey! You could put that in your post!” 🙂
-It RAINED yesterday! Oh, it was glorious. I had forgotten what it felt like.
-Our one year anniversary is coming up! 😀
-Uh, we have an operatic neighbor. How many people can say that?

So tell me your awkward things!

Awkward and Awesome

Hello all! Happy Thursday! It’s about time this week ended. It seems like every week I get assignments on top of assignments and the weeks speed by so I’m left wondering how I only have one night to do them all! Slow down, semester! Slow. Down.

-When the body building conducting assistant hugged me for my birthday. Uh.. hi. I’ve never spoken to you.
-Really. That one was really awkward. It deserves two slots.
-Studying my little heart out for a midterm and getting to the test and realizing I knew jack squat.
-Picking out an outfit for school, getting to school and realizing it wasn’t the best choice. I’ve really got to stop wearing those hot pink leggings.
-How wrapped up I am in school that I hardly bother to shave my legs at all anymore. Or even shower, for that matter. Sorry, Jason.

-My birthday! It was so. much. fun.
-Not having class until late Tuesday and Thursday and spending the morning watching Golden Girls.
-Staying up until 4am watching Netflix with hubs. Because we can.
-Finally starting on a big journal due next Thursday.
-FINALLY getting antlers! Thanks to my aunt and uncle who picked them up in Colorado last weekend. So. Awesome.

I wanna hear your awkwards. After all, those are always better than the awesomes, right?

Awkward and Awesome

Happy Thursday, all! As I await my 21st birthday tomorrow I thought you’d enjoy some awkward things that have happened to me lately…

-Feeling like a new friend at school may think there’s more there than there is.. “Uh, hi… I’m married.”
-Thinking I looked pretty good for class Tuesday then coming home for Jason to take pictures of it and realizing I looked gross. Ha!
-How long my leg hair is. Wow.
-How much schoolwork I always have to do. I guess that falls more under “awful”, right?
-Standing in front of a video camera in an empty hall recording myself for my conducting test… Talk about awkward.

-How Little Bit started to fall over and roll around when we talk really sweet to her. Adorable!
-My birthday is tomorrow!
-Uh, tomorrow is Friday. Amen?
-Having a weekend packed full of birthday stuff!
-Remember how I said I wanted antlers? Well my awesome Aunt Julie is in Colorado and is picking me up some! Wee!
-Jason told me he was googling ideas for my birthday. Aww….?
-The way my sister, Shelby, called me yesterday.
Shel: “So, hypothetically, say you had this sister named Shelby.”
Me: “Uh-huh.”
Shel: “And say she wanted to get her sister a present for her birthday.”
Me: “Yeah, of course.”
Shel: “Say she wanted this present to be a rug. Hypothetically, of course.”
Me: “Oh yeah, absolutely.”
Shel: “What color, hypothetically, would this sister want this rug to be?”
Me: “Well, hypothetically, what are her options?”
Shel: “Hypothetically, black, gray, maroon…”
Me: “Well, black or gray, but use your discretion. Hypothetically.”
Shel: “Oh, of course.”
Yeah. We’re awesome.

So what are some awesome things that have happened to you? Awkward? Awful? Feel free to write your own awkward and awesome post and let me know in the comments so I can read it!

Awkward and Awesome

Hallelujah, it’s Thursday.

-Getting a flat tire on my way to school and being stranded with no cell service.
-My Goodbyn lunchbox leaking marinara into my purse.
-Being the only second soprano in choir today and having to sing an uncomfortable high part. Alone. Weeeirdd…
-Seeing a horse eating grass on the side of a busy highway and a woman sitting at the edge of the woods in a camping chair just watching it like she let it out of its cage for a while. Whaaaa….???

-Meeting people at school who love Golden Girls as much as I do! Hollaaaaa!
-Trying out a new nail trend. It’s going to get plenty of use in the coming months!
-Finding French manicure stickers in my cabinet to do said nail trend.
-Finding tons of makeup I didn’t know I had in a drawer in my bathroom.
-Grocery shopping last weekend and feeling so accomplished.
-Staying on top of our laundry. SUPER awesome! Go me!
-Seeing a concrete statue of a unicorn my first week of school. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen it again.. 🙁
-Having so many professors who care about my safety! (See aforementioned flat tire.)
-Having a teacher that has a blog!
-There are so many redheads at UTT! YEAHYUHHH!
Anything awkward or awesome happen to you?

Awkward and Awesome

A picture of our Little Bit soon after we rescued her. Isn’t she adorable?!

Hello! First of all, sorry for the lack of posting this week. It has been absolutely mad in my brain this week. So many things are due on Friday it isn’t even funny. And don’t even get me started on the fact that I have a 10 page study guide that no one will help me out on. Sometimes I wonder why I decided to take on these next two years of school.

ANYWAY!  On to the good stuff.

-When I scheduled my voice lesson for this semester, I didn’t have any classes on Tuesday or Thursday so we scheduled it during my one hour break in the morning on Friday. After the first week of class I found out I needed a TTh class. Today I had to be at the school at 10 so I could meet with my theory group to work on a project that’s due tomorrow. My voice teacher walked by and saw me. I’m pretty sure she thinks I’m a liar.
-Eating my lunch alone in the music building where it’s so quiet I’m positive everyone in a 50 foot radius can hear me chewing.
-Having all of my books, sweater, lunch, laptop cord, purse strewn over three seats in the music building and trying to assemble it all.
-Asking a fellow student to swap info for our music history exam tomorrow and being promptly told no.

-The season premiere of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia tonight! WOO!
-Being super comfy in a maxi skirt and tee today. Mmm..
-The weather! Hello, 70 degrees. You’re beautiful.
-My toenails. They are extremely glittery. 🙂
-How relieved I will feel once Friday is over with.

How is your week going? Anything super awkward happen to you lately?

Awkward and Awesome

Happy Thursday! Currently I’m watching What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? for the first time. It’s kind of weird. Leo DiCaprio is super young.

Anywho, there are about three or four flies buzzing around us in our home and we can’t ever catch them and Toonces isn’t doing his job by killing them. Lazy cat.

This week I don’t really have any awkwards or many awesomes. Sorry, guys. But, I’ll do my best.


-I graduate a week from Friday!
-My finals are going to be really easy next week. If only I can finish my piano barrier…
-The house is finally cooling down after being up to 78. Ugh.


-I’m getting a little sick.
-The house heated up to 78.
-There are three flies in here.
-Gilbert Grape is weird.

So there you have it. Have a good Thursday!