Beauty Tuesday: Cruelty Free

Happy Tuesday! You know what that means: Beauty Tuesday! Today I want to talk about some of my favorite brands that happen to be cruelty free. This means these brands do not use animal testing on any of their products. To find out more, go here! Now I’m not saying if you don’t solely buy products from companies that are cruelty free you’re a bad person. I just thought it interesting that I saw a cruelty free symbol on my NYX eyeliner this afternoon. 🙂


  1. NYX-$-$$

I’ve loved NYX for a while now. They have a wide variety of colors in their slide-on liners and lip pencils and have multiple MAC shadow dupes! You can find them in ULTA and on Cherry Culture’s website. Also keep a lookout on HauteLook! Here are some of my favorite products:


  1. E.L.F.-$

I’m a big ol’ fan of E.L.F.! Their products are cheap and perform really well. You can find them in most Targets or on their website Here are some faves!


  1. Eco Tools-$$

My sisters both use this brand and the quality of their brushes is amazing. They are affordable, soft, and well made. You can find them in ULTA, Walmart, and most drugstores like CVS and Walgreens. Here are some great examples. I’m dying for that travel kabuki brush!


  1. Organix Hair-$

I LOVE the way these products smell. They are pretty affordable and come in a variety of flavors. 🙂 You can find them in Target, Walmart, ULTA, and drugstores! Here are the ones I really like:


  1. Urban Decay-$$$

I love, love, love Urban Decay! I own the Naked pallet and the Dangerous pallet. Both of them are absolutely fantastic. I also own their Primer Potion and their 24/7 liner in Zero (black). I love everything I own from them! They are pricey, though, but to me they’re totally worth it. You can find them at ULTA, Sephora, and online. Here are my favorites!


  1. Wet N Wild-$

I’ve recently discovered Wet N Wild and love them! They’re shadows are very pigmented, soft, and super affordable. We’re talking $5 for ten full size shadows! Here are my recent favorites:


So there you have it! My favorite cruelty free brands and products. If you’d like to learn about more companies that are cruelty free, here’s a list!

Have a great day! 🙂

A Love Letter…

Dear University of Texas at Tyler,

I met you in the fall of 2011 fresh out of community college with no real plan. You were beautiful. Leafless, cool, and covered with green grass and lakes. Your professors and students drew me in. I was afraid. Nervous, anxious, scared… were you right for me? You were a happenstance. I had no idea you would become so much more to me.


Anxious I pulled into the far parking lot on my first day with you. It wasn’t for a couple more months that I would learn there was a much closer parking lot. I waited until my friend Kait showed up, one of the three people I knew going in. We walked in together nervous and wondering what our 8 AM conducting class would be like. We huddled together with the two other people we knew scanning the room for the faces we would spend the semester with. Dozens of others that already knew each other were chatting while we sat on the far end of the room. Our teacher walked in. He gave us an overview of the class and we got a little excited.


During my first semester I met dozens of like-minded music weirdos just like me. We performed real music together and took hard classes and complained about them in the lobby like real college kids. You made that happen, UTT. I had my first solo performance in a legitimate recital hall. I was nervous. I didn’t know how these people would feel about my voice. I remember what I wore, how I felt, and who was in the audience. I made it through and it automatically made me feel closer to everyone. I took an upper level theory class my first semester with you. Our professor was in his first year with you too. We felt a little kindred spirit with him.


In the spring of 2012 I watched in horror as an upright piano fell over in my diction class. We didn’t know whether to laugh, scream, or awkwardly walk out of the room. We laughed. 🙂 And then of course we helped pick it back up. I learned IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) and loads of new music. I learned what count singing is and got pretty good at it. I took the second half of conducting with the greatest teacher on the planet. I got closer to the people I have come to call my friends. The classes got smaller as instrumentalists were separated from the vocalists, but we all supported each other. Even if most of the time it was by making fun of each other.


I started the fall of 2012 with you bitter sweetly as I entered my last year with you. I had come to love you more than I expected and leaving you was going to be tough. This semester started out like any other semester. I took some of my favorite classes with the greatest teacher ever. I studied hard and performed a half hour worth of music as part of my requirements to graduate from you. I began spending more time with my friends. But in December my husband and I separated. I left you that semester wondering what would happen to me. I didn’t have an answer.


I came back to you in January different. Sad, alone, and hurting. I walked your halls with a mask I worked tirelessly on. Day after day I spent meticulously forming that mask to make it look like the Melody you met in the fall of 2011. It worked. For months I walked your halls and you didn’t know. But the mask started to wear thin. The real Melody began to show through. You found out I was divorced. Would you still befriend me? Would you still think I was funny?


You did. The people I met because of you still love me. They still befriend me. They still think I’m funny. Because of you, UTT, I survived the last six months. I have grown quite attached to you, and dare I say, have fallen in love with you. You allowed me to meet the best people I will ever meet. These people supported me, loved me, and befriended me in a time of need whether they knew it or not. I am forever indebted to you, UTT.


I leave you on May 11. Sad, tearful, but never alone. Your blacktop roads and tree lined streets and big, brick buildings are in my memory forever. Your lakes, your crawfish days, your Starbucks, your Chick-fila that I frequented with friends, your library I visited less than five times, your art that sprinkles the campus, your ducks and squirrels that fear no man, your fountain pranked with soap (twice), your Cowan center that I spent these last two years in, your construction I walked through, your path I walked with friends to get lunch most days, your convenient store we got chocolate donuts from, your pianos, your atmosphere, your Starbucks barista that should know me by name, your University Center, your outrageous parking sticker price, your affordable tuition, your fall leaves, your summer heat, your free student counseling center, your trails, your picnic tables, your Patriot Singers, your lack of parking, your openness, your welcoming… but most of all your people have played a large part in who I am today.


I leave you different. I am changed. Circumstances and life have had their way with me, but you were there. God is there. He moved me to you and knew how much I’d need you. I’m a new person. A beautiful, stronger person. More so than when you first met me. I don’t think you knew just how much you would change me, but you did. And I thank you for it. You’re just a school, but to me you were just what I needed.

Because of you University of Texas at Tyler, I know I’m going to be okay.


I love you,


Friday Blackout


shirt: Old Navy, jeans: Target, sandals: Buffalo Exchange, necklaces: F21 and H&M

I love these $6 oversized shirts from Old Navy. Have I said that before?

Y’all. My last choir concert is tomorrow night and I am so nervous and sad! I finished out my last week of school (well, kinda) and am not sure how I feel about it. I’m going to go around campus next week and take a lot of pictures. 🙂 Anyone wanna join?

Pray that I don’t bawl my way through this concert tomorrow so I can go out with a bang. 😉

Happy Friday! I’m off today so I’m in Canton with my friend Kait. Woo! What are you doing?


Short Shorts


denim shirt: thrifted, striped shirt: Old Navy, shorts: F21, shoes: Converse, bracelet: Urban Outfitters, watch: thrifted

It was hot when I wore this. I’m not sure how I feel about it. I mean, it was bearable hot, but still hot. But my parents seem to think there’s another cold front moving in. We’ll see. 🙂

Unfortunately, I found out yesterday that I’m not done with my schooling! There was a mishap with my transcript and classes I did/didn’t take at my junior college and long story short I have to stay and take another math and science credit before I can get my diploma. Blerg! Looks like I sort of get my wish to not graduate just yet. 😉 However, my friend Candice gave me the most encouraging word when I was stressing today. She looked me square in the eye and told me this is happening for a reason and that I’m done in this season. She told me God is still teaching me and preparing me for the next season and right now I need to just sit in it and let Him do it. It’s what I needed to hear in that moment and I’m glad she let God speak that through her. 🙂 Love you, Candice!

In more serious business, Kasie Clary is the sister of my former DNow leader, Kendall Clary Ventura. Kasie has been missing for a few days and hasn’t been heard from. Her car has been found but the police are still searching. If you have heard from her or have any information please call the Hillsboro, TX police department. (254) 582-8406. In addition, pray for the Clary family that God would give them peace and rest in this and that Kasie would be found.

Happy Thursday!

Bohemian Rhapsody

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blouse: thrifted, skirt: thrifted, sandals: F21, bracelet: Old Navy, necklace: H&M

Shout out to my 14 year old sister, Ru, for taking these. 🙂

These are the cheapest shoes I own. They don’t even deserve to be called shoes, really. They were $7.50 from Forever21, and while I like them alright it’s like walking on a piece of cardstock with some pleather attached. Can I get an amen? So why in the world do I keep shopping for their shoes?! It’s a sickness. A well shot photograph of a cheap, shiny shoe and I’m hooked. STOP IT, FOREVER21. Thank the Lord there isn’t a store near me.

Things I’m looking forward to the rest of the week:
-Finishing my piano barrier! Whew.
-Going out with a bang in my last week of school. (Not really looking forward to that, though)
-My counseling appointment tomorrow! (Oh yeah, I go to counseling. 🙂
-My very last college choir concert. I’m going to bawl my eyes out, y’all. Forrealz.

Today is my last Wednesday of full classes. I’m sad but for some reason I just keep thinking that classes will still go on throughout the summer and I’ll never have to leave. 🙂

My dog farted while I was writing this. So…

Happy Hump Day!

It’s Not Cold

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cardigan: Target, blouse: Target, jeans: Old Navy, coat: Old Navy, bag: Target, boots: thrifted, scarf: Old Navy,
necklace: H&M

I wore this way back in December at the Passion 2013 conference. I just found the pictures in my iPhoto so I thought I’d post them even if the weather isn’t this cold anymore. 😉 I’m really not looking forward to summer. I hate heat!

For part of my graduation requirements and since I transferred to my university, I have to take a piano proficiency test. I took half of it yesterday and passed! Woohoo! I’m taking the other half tomorrow afternoon and can’t wait to get it over with. I’m so sad I’m graduating, though. I’ve become so close to the people there and it breaks my heart to leave.

I love you guys! 🙂

Happy Tuesday!