Back to the Beginning

Remember these dumb things on Myspace/Xanga/Piczo(OHHH I went there)? Well, now it has made its way into the blogosphere and I thought I should do one. 1. I’m bored. 2.uhhh…yeah.. Just read it okay?

Age: 21.

Bed size: Queeeeeen.

Chores that you hate: I actually like chores…? Just wish we had a dishwasher that worked!

Dogs: None. But my dream dog is a golden retriever and Jason’s is a schnauzer.

Essential start to your day: Kissing Jason before I leave for school or he leaves for work.

Favorite color: Uh, all of them! I love looking at pretty color combos. It makes me want to redecorate our whole house even though we haven’t finished decorating it to begin with..

Gold or Silver: BOTH.

Height: 5’4″

Instruments you play: Took piano for two years. I’m decent, but nothing to write home about. I should really practice more… Jason’s trying to teach me guitar.

Job title: STUDENT… but I don’t get paid. I hate you FAFSA. And partially UTT.

Kids: When one of us finally finishes school, we’ll start thinking about it.

Live: Where? Texas.

Mother’s Name: Charlotte!

Nicknames: Mel. I think it’s neat that everyone Jason works with calls me Mel because that’s how he refers to me. Neat.

Overnight hospital stays: None so far but plenty of stitches!

Pet peeves: “Just sayin’.” I LOATHE that phrase. Starting something and not finishing it. GOSSIP. Good grief I hate gossip. Never having enough time for anything. Let’s just leave it at “I have a lot of pet peeves but you would probably dislike me if I said what all of them were..”

Quote from a movie or tv show: “What is your name? What is your quest? What is your favorite color?”

Right or Lefty: Right.

Siblings: Dos hermanas.

Time you wake up: 6.20-6.30 am MWF. 10.30 TTh.

Underwear: Every day.

Vegetable you hate: I really want to like bell peppers…

What makes you run late: Sleeping in.

X-Rays You’ve Had: Teeth and some on my foot. My sophomore year in high school I played volleyball. When the JV was done playing we had to stay and watch varsity to “learn”. I was walking out of the locker room and someone not paying attention rammed into the solid metal door and the bottom took my toenails clean off. All she said was, “Oh. Oops. Sorry.” And walked out continuing to talk to her friend. I spent that lovely evening in the hospital taking hydrocodone (Uh, ew. How do people get addicted to that? It made me crazy nauseous then I fell asleep.),  getting X-rays and being pushed around in a wheelchair by an orderly who wasn’t keen on conversation. Crazy weird night.

Yummy food you make: Potato soup, anything chocolate related, Mexican crock-pot chicken tacos, roasted vegetables..

Zoo Animal: Umm.. Can it just be an animal? I don’t know, all kinds.

Now that I’ve completed that I’m an official blogger, right?

Those Weeks

Sunday was such a good day. We woke up, went to church, had birthday lunch with the in-laws, came home and lazed in bed for the rest of the day. On our way home this happened:

Delicious, yummy rain. All the way home. It stopped by the time we got home but it was still dark and cloudy so we climbed into bed and watched more episodes of Breaking Bad on Netflix. It was a lovely night. However, Monday morning came and the dreaminess ended. The reality of more assignments came back and the rain had moved on. Sadness.

So far this week has been.. less than dreamy. It’s midterm and everyone is going insane. I’m ready for Saturday. Who’s with me?

It’s My Birthday

And I’m 21, suckas.

Right now I’m partying it up… at school. But this weekend has me in high hopes! Tonight hub hub is taking me out for a night on the town but I have no idea what we’re actually doing! Woohoo! Lunch with my parents is happening, too! I can’t wait!

(PS. (Can I do PS in the middle of a post?) I found out a girl at school has the same birthday! So happy birthday, Megan!)

This week has been craaaaap-tastic with all the assignments I’ve put off doing until the last minute. Thursday was especially insane. Though our form and analysis teacher pushed our essay due date to Monday, I tried to get it finished by today so I could enjoy my weekend worry free. (I’m not sure if this happened yet. I’m typing this on Thursday. Insert Twilight Zone music here.. do-do-do-do do-do-do-do!) More and more I’m realizing why everyone hates form and analysis. (Sorry, KG. It’s true.) While it’s technically easier than all of those music theory courses there’s so much more work in this class. Essays, lectures, terms, group projects. It’s all a bit much! (Again, sorry KG.)

SO! That’s why my birthday is awesome. It’s the end of a crap STRESSED out week.

Let’s reminisce…

20 was a good year.

I got engaged.
I graduated with an AA degree. (and that’s my HS grad pic…)
And I got married.

I hope 21 is just as fun! Let’s eat cake!

Why My Birthday Will be Awesome

This week I have several things due: a conducting quiz, a theory essay, and sixteen songs to do style sheets for. (A style sheet is a compilation of about 12-13 things per song!)

Most of these things are due on or before my birthday on Friday.

It’s going to be a good day come Friday.

Excuse me while I stop myself from sticking my head in the oven before then.


It’s finally Friday! Oh, happy day! As you read this I’m probably in music history soaking up whatever our awesome teacher has to say. While I learn about music from centuries ago, enjoy these links I found while trolling the internet! (I retyped that sentence about three times so I could include the word ‘trolling’.) 😛

-This cosmetic company donates 20% of their proceeds to an anti-human trafficking organization.
-I’d love to make every single thing out of this adorable book!
-I read this blog every day. She is hilarious, inspiring, and an excellent photographer! Bonus! I emailed her and she emailed me back! She’s adorable!
-This hilarious, and a tad sad, tumblr. A must read for any pro photogs.
-My sister showed me this. Insane! How much time do you think this would take?
-The fact that someone spent their time compiling all of these facts is hilarious.

Check out some other bloggers who do their own versions of This+That!
*Bits+Pieces at Bleubird Blog.
*Babble Posts at A Cup of Jo.

Happy Birthday!

Looking at my archives over on the right hand side I noticed that two years ago this month I started this little ol’ blog o’ mine! I started it to document my thoughts, share what I thought could be inspiring to some people, and to vent. So happy birthday month to me and my blog!

Here are some of my favorite posts:
Raving about Jason and venting about laziness.

Getting engaged!
Our first pro photo sesh.
I set our kitchen on fire.
