A Love Letter…

Dear University of Texas at Tyler,

I met you in the fall of 2011 fresh out of community college with no real plan. You were beautiful. Leafless, cool, and covered with green grass and lakes. Your professors and students drew me in. I was afraid. Nervous, anxious, scared… were you right for me? You were a happenstance. I had no idea you would become so much more to me.


Anxious I pulled into the far parking lot on my first day with you. It wasn’t for a couple more months that I would learn there was a much closer parking lot. I waited until my friend Kait showed up, one of the three people I knew going in. We walked in together nervous and wondering what our 8 AM conducting class would be like. We huddled together with the two other people we knew scanning the room for the faces we would spend the semester with. Dozens of others that already knew each other were chatting while we sat on the far end of the room. Our teacher walked in. He gave us an overview of the class and we got a little excited.


During my first semester I met dozens of like-minded music weirdos just like me. We performed real music together and took hard classes and complained about them in the lobby like real college kids. You made that happen, UTT. I had my first solo performance in a legitimate recital hall. I was nervous. I didn’t know how these people would feel about my voice. I remember what I wore, how I felt, and who was in the audience. I made it through and it automatically made me feel closer to everyone. I took an upper level theory class my first semester with you. Our professor was in his first year with you too. We felt a little kindred spirit with him.


In the spring of 2012 I watched in horror as an upright piano fell over in my diction class. We didn’t know whether to laugh, scream, or awkwardly walk out of the room. We laughed. 🙂 And then of course we helped pick it back up. I learned IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) and loads of new music. I learned what count singing is and got pretty good at it. I took the second half of conducting with the greatest teacher on the planet. I got closer to the people I have come to call my friends. The classes got smaller as instrumentalists were separated from the vocalists, but we all supported each other. Even if most of the time it was by making fun of each other.


I started the fall of 2012 with you bitter sweetly as I entered my last year with you. I had come to love you more than I expected and leaving you was going to be tough. This semester started out like any other semester. I took some of my favorite classes with the greatest teacher ever. I studied hard and performed a half hour worth of music as part of my requirements to graduate from you. I began spending more time with my friends. But in December my husband and I separated. I left you that semester wondering what would happen to me. I didn’t have an answer.


I came back to you in January different. Sad, alone, and hurting. I walked your halls with a mask I worked tirelessly on. Day after day I spent meticulously forming that mask to make it look like the Melody you met in the fall of 2011. It worked. For months I walked your halls and you didn’t know. But the mask started to wear thin. The real Melody began to show through. You found out I was divorced. Would you still befriend me? Would you still think I was funny?


You did. The people I met because of you still love me. They still befriend me. They still think I’m funny. Because of you, UTT, I survived the last six months. I have grown quite attached to you, and dare I say, have fallen in love with you. You allowed me to meet the best people I will ever meet. These people supported me, loved me, and befriended me in a time of need whether they knew it or not. I am forever indebted to you, UTT.


I leave you on May 11. Sad, tearful, but never alone. Your blacktop roads and tree lined streets and big, brick buildings are in my memory forever. Your lakes, your crawfish days, your Starbucks, your Chick-fila that I frequented with friends, your library I visited less than five times, your art that sprinkles the campus, your ducks and squirrels that fear no man, your fountain pranked with soap (twice), your Cowan center that I spent these last two years in, your construction I walked through, your path I walked with friends to get lunch most days, your convenient store we got chocolate donuts from, your pianos, your atmosphere, your Starbucks barista that should know me by name, your University Center, your outrageous parking sticker price, your affordable tuition, your fall leaves, your summer heat, your free student counseling center, your trails, your picnic tables, your Patriot Singers, your lack of parking, your openness, your welcoming… but most of all your people have played a large part in who I am today.


I leave you different. I am changed. Circumstances and life have had their way with me, but you were there. God is there. He moved me to you and knew how much I’d need you. I’m a new person. A beautiful, stronger person. More so than when you first met me. I don’t think you knew just how much you would change me, but you did. And I thank you for it. You’re just a school, but to me you were just what I needed.

Because of you University of Texas at Tyler, I know I’m going to be okay.


I love you,



Today I’m going to kick it back old school and journal instead of show you what I’ve been wearing. Is that cool? 🙂

Yesterday I posted the following status on Facebook. I felt a tug on my heart to elaborate.

Picture 5

Growing up Courtney and I were inseparable. She was like a sister to me through so many awkward pre-teen days and I’m forever grateful to her for that. However life got in the way. We moved on from one another and lived separate lives. Until about a week ago. When I announced on here where I’ve been so many of you reached out and encouraged me. Courtney is among you. She private messaged me on Twitter and expressed her love and concern for me along with a lot of encouragement in Christ. She also told me she prayed our friendship might be restored. When I read that I got a little choked up. For years I’ve wondered how I could contact her without being awkward. I believe in a small way God is using my broken situation to restore other parts around me. It’s so.cool. to watch and witness. We had lunch the next week and caught up on everything that’s been happening in the last six years. We’re semi-adults now. 😉

Let me explain what Super Summer is. Super Summer is the greatest thing for youth. Honestly. It’s a camp geared towards high school aged students with a heart for leadership. For our youth group this was our Youth Council. We met once a week and had a Bible study and encouraged each other. Our youth minister at the time, Chad, came to us with this Super Summer idea and we fell for it. I was terrified because of this new thing called “family groups.” This meant that no one I knew was going to be near me for most of the week. Strangers? I’m like, 17. I’m too awkward for this. But God made it all okay through these things called e-grams, which I’m totally going to bring back. Each student at the camp has their own mailbox. Anyone can write a short note to anyone they want encouraging them and loving on them. It was the best part of my day when I went to check my mail.

I never threw any away. (I’m sentimental like that.) Courtney texted me a picture of a pile of hers so I decided to pull mine out too and reminisce a little bit. Notes from old boyfriends, cousins, sisters, friends… All of them encouraged me in the place I am right now. Notes written five or six years ago are somehow still relevant to me now. Only God can do that. These notes told me I was beautiful, that I was being prayed for, that I was loved, that more notes were being written about me to be given to me later, silly drawings were included, gratitude for the friendship I’ve given others… I smiled at each one.

I remember being so vulnerable at that age. Walking around feeling self-conscious and not good enough. I didn’t know my true worth. I think that’s a crisis in girls, and boys for that matter, at that age. We’re searching for someone to show us worth. Someone to tell us we’re good enough and beautiful enough. We seek it everywhere. I sought it in friends, boyfriends, and in myself. Six years later I’m seeing my worth. Throughout this divorce and heartache I’ve prayed for God to show me my worth in Him. I prayed that He would show me how He sees me. I never knew all I had to do was ask. Nearly immediately after my praying that I began to see how He sees me. Beautiful, worthy, sought-after, precious, loved. These are the words that define me. Broken, shallow, pathetic, useless, worthless, ugly. These are the words I thought did.

“Brokenness is the bow from which God launches healing.” Louie Giglio said that at a Passion conference a couple of years ago and I’ve never been able to get it out of my head. The problem was I didn’t know what I needed to be healed from. I knew I was hurting and broken but I couldn’t put my finger on the ‘why.’ The past six months have shown me my ‘why.’ And here it is.

I never let go. I always put God in this small teenager-Melody box. The one that didn’t know Him fully. (And still doesn’t.) The one that took others pictures of Jesus to make her own. I relied heavily on others to tell me who God is. What His love feels like. It never worked. I was too lazy and scared to ask God myself and to let Him in. I thought I had it all together, and it did work for a little while. But years went by and I started to become unhappy. Self-doubt, worthlessness, self-conscious, self-esteem… all of these ruled my life. I never thought I’d come out of whatever hole I was living in.

I’m broken. Dirty. A sinner. But I am not defined by those things. Through this broken time and sorrow God is lifting me up into my true worth in Him.

Beautiful, worthy, sought-after, precious, loved. These are the words that define me.


Come On, Texas


sweater: thrifted, jeans: Old Navy, boots: thrifted

The weather here has been nuts. Earlier this week it was in the 80s. Today it’s in the 40s. Not that I’m hating it! I love the cold. But come on, Texas. Make a decision already!

I just really want to say again to all of you that I love you. Thank you for encouraging me and loving on me. God is good.

Happy Friday! What are your plans for the weekend? I’m going to see all of my friends in a musical they’re putting on. Then tomorrow it’s game night. 🙂


Thank You


After I spilled my guts to you last Thursday, I couldn’t believe the amount of love and encouragement you guys showed me. Facebook messages and tweets came in and at each one I smiled. I gotta tell ya, I was nervous about posting that. It was a tough thing to write and a tough thing to tell people. But with every encouraging message that anxiety and nervousness lessened. It doesn’t make the hurt or the heartbreak go away, but it sure helps. So I wanted to say thank you. It’s a humbling experience to share something so private and have people like you to accept it and encourage me.

Thank you. Now go enjoy that brownie up there. 🙂




Really Public Bathrooms






cardigan: JCrew, top: Old Navy, skirt: Forever21, sandals: Old Navy

My sister Shelby didn’t get to come in last weekend because of school stuff so we met her halfway in Sulphur Springs and experienced some really, really public bathrooms. Sulphur Springs decided it would be a good idea to install two mirrored bathrooms in the middle of downtown. You can see out, but not in. So naturally our family took full advantage of these.




Dad successfully used it. All I did was Vine it. 🙂 (Are you on Vine?) (Why aren’t you on Vine?!) (@melodyrich)

Have a great day, guys! Happy Friday!

PS. Let’s all marvel at my vast bank of poses.

Where I’ve Been…

As you know, I’ve been absent from this space for several months. I’ve held off as long as I could writing this post. This is hard to write, and it’s taken me a while to get to this point.

Jason and I are divorced. It’s the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with and most days it’s hard to come up for air. I know God has a plan for me, for Jason, for us, and He is slowly revealing it to me. He has blessed me and provided for me throughout this horrific process and it only makes me love God even more. I have experienced His unending love, sweet grace and mercy, and His comfort. I am solely relying on Jesus.

This is tough—for both of us. What I ask from you is to pray. I selfishly beseech you to pray for us. I’m not sure how many of you have experienced this firsthand but it is.. just awful, for lack of a better word. I’m thankful for a space here where I can be honest with you. Blogs aren’t always rainbows and sunshine. Blogs are real life. And I want mine to be real.

I have an amazing, supportive family and an incredible group of friends helping me through this. I thank God for them every day.

It’s okay to ask questions. Ask me how I’m doing. Ask me if I want to talk. I might not answer some days but others I’ll open up. It’s awkward. It’s uncomfortable. But that’s life. I don’t want this space to become distanced from you guys. I don’t want you to feel awkward and uncomfortable or like you’re walking on eggshells obviously tiptoeing around a sore subject. This is a life space. There are moments of happiness, sadness, heartache, and excitement. I want this space to be a place where we can come and encourage each other as sisters and uplift one another in times of heartache and strife. That is my hope for this blog and for me opening up to you about my life.

Thank you all for reading and keeping up with my silly life. I love this old hobby of mine and am glad you all enjoy it too. This is a new chapter for me and I hope you’ll continue to tag along.

