We Made It!

We’re here in Chattanooga, TN staying with my cousins for a week. Most of my dad’s side is here staying in the house which adds to the fun! I couldn’t post until now but Jason and I came up yesterday and got here in the evening and kind of surprised my parents. We told them Jason wasn’t able to get off work until 4 today so we wouldn’t be here until really early Wednesday morning. My parents just got here! Surprise! So here’s to a week of sleeping on an air mattress, staying up late, card games, and floating down rivers.

Have a great week!

iPhone pictures, vacation chat, and an outfit

shirt: Gap thrifted, jeans: Target (similar), earrings: JCrew, sandals: Old Navy (similar)

These were taken before a spontaneous trip for lunch on Friday with J. We then shopped till we dropped. It was so nice to get out of the house!

Sorry for all the iPhone pictures. The lens I bought that was broken still hasn’t been fixed and returned so until then it’s either lackluster point and shoot pictures or lackluster iPhone pictures run through instagram. 🙂 Instagram it is.

Right now we’re getting ready to leave for vacation in Tennessee for a week with family. Can’t wait to hit up the big flea market up there and visit the Atlanta aquarium! Don’t worry, I’ll be blogging all week while I’m there. Hopefully I’ll get some outfit posts but I have a feeling we’ll just be eating, drinking, and chatting 24/7. And that is A-OK with me. 🙂

It Is WAY Too Hot.

shirt: Old Navy, jeans: F21 (similar), sandals: F21 (similar)

You guys. It’s way too hot to do ANYTHING now. How in the world am I supposed to motivate myself to run outside in 100 degree weather?! Thankfully the school gym’s air conditioning should be finished soon. Because GOOD LORD it’s hot. We finally had to turn on our window unit in our bedroom last night. Well, I had to turn it on. I haven’t been sleeping well at all the past few weeks. Normally I fall asleep pretty quickly but it’s been taking me twenty or thirty minutes to fall asleep. I hate it. Jason on the other hand could fall asleep in a closed cardboard box and sleep through the night. So he wasn’t too happy when I woke him up to help me move our bed, it’s in front of the unit, so we could turn the unit on. Blarrrgh. I’m having deja vu from the torture of last summer. Good thing I have all those summer projects to distract me! And lots of pool time. Working on that summer glow! Slowly but surely.

How are you staying cool? I’m indoors all day and still hate the thought of the heat!

Awkward and Awesome!

striped tee: thrifted (similar), jeans: F21 (similar, similar), flats: Target thrifted (similar)


-When a guy looks totally normal from the front. Then he turns to the side and his ponytail comes in full view…
-Seriously, is it healthy to not wear a bra this much?
-How many crickets/dogs/birds/noises live in our trees behind our bedroom window. SERIOUSLY. QUIET. DOWN.
-I play Draw Something with both of my sisters and now my mom. About a week ago my youngest sister sent me a drawing. She wrote ‘Money!’ and then drew a coin with 50 cents written on it. The answer was ‘quarter.’ … Love you, Ru. 🙂


-We leave for vacation in a week! Yay family time!
-Our church’s ice cream social is next Sunday night. Tons of homemade ice cream and treats accompanied by a giant waterslide and endless conversation. Yes. Please.
-All of the amazing shops and flea markets we’re going to visit on vacation. Be still my heart.
-Spending a couple of days last week poolside which resulted in some lovely color on my white, white skin.
-Hanging out by the pool today.
-The surprise I’m hiding from all of you for just a few more weeks! (Not a baby.)

3 Tart Summer Drinks

The heat has really started to kick it up these past couple of weeks. What better way to kick back than with some cool, tart drinks?

Up first is the Flamingo.

Start with 3 ounces of pineapple juice. Add 4-5 ounces of cranberry juice along with 1/4 ounce of lemon juice. Top off with bubbly club soda. (If your club soda is old it will taste watered down and flat. Trust me on this.) Drink up!

Up next is the Cinderella.

Pour 4 ounces of pineapple juice, 4 ounces of orange juice, and 1-1/2 ounces of lemon juice. Add a bit of grenadine and/or sugar if it’s too tart. I did! Strain over ice!

Last up there’s the Cranberry Cooler.

Fill a glass with ice. Pour 1 tablespoon of lime juice and 2 ounces of cranberry juice. (It’s better if it’s really concentrated. Mine wasn’t so I had to add quite a bit more.) Top with club soda.

Mmm! Three tart drinks that could definitely be accompanied by some alcohol or blended into a slushie. YUM! Let me know if you try them!

Now Accepting Sponsors!

A very big announcement! The Rich Style is now accepting sponsors! (Read all about it here.) I really want to thank you guys for pushing me to this, whether you knew you were or not! My readership has grown since I’ve been more dedicated to blogging and I only have you guys to thank! It was a hard decision and lots of questions had to be answered. Like, Would everyone think I was crazy for accepting sponsors with such a small reader base? How much do I charge as a start-up? Thankfully I was able to answer those questions after lots and lots of research! But I am extremely happy to be at this point and can’t wait to see where this blog goes!

So bump up your blog stats by placing an ad over here on The Rich Style. It’ll look great next to pictures of my cats. You won’t be sorry! 🙂