shirt: my sister’s closet, dress: Target, boots: Urban Outfitters
I love this dress! I remember seeing it before it went on sale and thought it looked like a galaxy and loved it. My sister has really been into space since she took an astronomy class last semester. She’s pulled us all in too!
So did you brave Black Friday? After my horrific experience last year I swore it off forever. However… Jason’s aunts and cousins get really into it and have made shirts! They make a big list with a schedule so they can hit what they want. I was kind of on the fence about it after I had seen Ulta was having some pretty good sales. (Even though most of them are still going on!) I’ve never really wanted anything big like a camera or laptop so I haven’t had to fight for stuff (that’s crazy to do anyway!) but I was still very anxious about it! My sisters and our friend were going and I thought hey, why not?!
After Thanksgiving with Jason’s family that Thursday I drove back to my parents and mentally prepared for the craziness. We got to town about 10:30 and hit Target first. They opened at 9 and my stomach was in knots. I DID.NOT. want another experience like last year. I needed a buddy the entire time in the store but everyone was in a cheerful mood! Even most of the employees! IT WAS SO BIZARRE. Dare I say a pleasant experience. (Though I have friends that had to work it and I don’t think they’d agree!)
Next we went to Ulta since it’s in the same shopping center. Though we had to wait in line for 45 minutes or more to check out everything was well stocked and people were still pleasant. NYX was having buy 1 get 1 50% off and I stocked up. I’m loving their stuff so far!
Next was Kohl’s. That.store.is.HUGE. I kept getting lost trying to find my sister! I picked up a couple of things and then waited in the check out line for probably an hour. CRAZY. I got a dress in store but it didn’t fit so I had to rebuy online because their sale stopped at 1pm! At least I got my size and color! 
Lastly was Old Navy. The mother of Black Friday hell. There was a HUGE line waiting to get in before midnight and then they closed to restock and then reopened. Thankfully we got there after all of that happened at around 3am. EVERYTHING was stocked. I even got the coat I wanted! Woohoo! We still waited in the check out line for forever but it was still fun. 
Since we couldn’t feel our feet we naturally decided to grab drinks and fries (healthy fuel) for the ride home. Watered down Coke never tasted so good…
We got to bed around 7am. Best.night.ever. I’d do it again 
Did you brave it? Was it worth it? Let me know what you got! My stuff will be popping up on the blog in the next week!
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