
cardi: pacsun, tee: pacsun, pants: old navy, boots: f21, lipstick: revlon pink about it

This was one of those outfits that looked so adorable in my head but then failed when I put it on but it was too late to change this morning. I felt great it in all day, but somehow seeing it in pictures I realize that neon yellow does absolutely nothing for me. And I need a haircut. Next couple of weeks don’t be surprised if my hair is at my shoulders.

PS. I finished Week 1 Day 2 of Couch to 5k last night! It was harder than day one. Mostly because I was feeling crappy about my hair, this outfit and blah blah blah. You know how it is. But I pushed through with hugs from Jason and finished it and it ended up not being as bad as I thought. 🙂 After Friday (it’s only 3 days a week) I’ll have 8 weeks left! Mark my words: I will be running on the beach at sunset on spring break.

And if I don’t, don’t hold it against me. I’m only human.

But I will.

But like I said… human.


Oh, and remember this wish list? I finally bought those leopard jeans. They’ll be here Saturday. BOOM. BOOM. POW.

Saturday’s Stylings

tweed blazer: thrifted, scarf: gift, tights: f21, boots: f21, dress: target

Wore this to my second day of class. This semester’s schedule is so much lighter than last semester. Sleeping in every day of the week? Win. Only one class to write a paper in? Win. Florida this spring break? Double win. 🙂

Happy Weekend!

Holiday Plaid

top: Target, jeans: F21, moccasins: Urban Outfitters, sunnies: F21

For our anniversary, my sister gave us a free photo sesh! We redeemed it partly earlier this week. I say partly because a big storm rolled in and ran us out of our location. I think we’re going to try and go back when we get together for Christmas. This is what I wore. In my head I was thinking of this engagement session. So adorable. I’ll be sure to post pictures when we finish!


An Outfit and a Flood

scarf: Old Navy, shirt: pacsun, skirt: f21, tights: target, boots: thrifted

Probably the comfiest outfit I’ve ever worn. That $6.50 skirt was really worth the splurge. 🙂

We’ve had a little bit of a ridiculous few days! Wednesday night Jason noticed the washing machine was cutting off and on. When I walked back to see what he was doing this is what I saw:

Oh. So that’s what the inside of a washing machine looks like. Apparently, that little magic switch that’s supposed to turn the washer on when you close the lid wasn’t working. So magic Jason fixed it.
While he did that Little Bit decided to explore.
So yay! It worked that night.

Thursday morning I heard water running but I shrugged it off. Partly because I knew Jason had started another load before he left but mostly because I was still asleep. A little later I still heard it so I decided to check it out. As soon as I looked towards the door I saw a black puddle in our carpet. All of my clothes that were waiting to be put away were soaked and stained. Our laundry room and butler’s pantry were FULL of water. I went to get the phone from the butler’s pantry and stepped in a half an inch of water. I was still in such a sleepy daze I didn’t know if I should scream or go back to bed. I was home alone and Jason was 35 minutes away in meetings. I frantically called him. He didn’t answer because of the meetings. So he texted me and I typed as fast as I could “EMERGENCY!” But coming from me, he probably didn’t believe me so much. I cry wolf a lot! Example:
Jason: “What’s up?”
Me: “We have no chocolate.”
See what I mean? So he calmly called me back after I told him there actually was an emergency. All he could really say was, “…sorry baby. I guess just start sopping it up.”

So I did. I grabbed EVERY available towel, only after strapping on my rainboots. They were immediately soaked. I grabbed the shop-vac. It worked for about 15 seconds then started shooting water out of the other end. Great. I opened the door in the butler’s pantry to aim the shop-vac outside and then it just quit working altogether. Even greater. I finally got all the water up and left for class.

Later that night, I realized that even more of my clothes than I thought were soaked and the water reached the edge of the bathroom. When Jason and I were drying it up he asked me, “You just wanna rip up the carpet?” Ok, sure. Why not? So we have a half wood, half carpeted room. I caught him tonight ripping up our bathroom floor.

New Dress and Sourpusses

dress: Old Navy, shoes: Target-sister’s, necklace: sister’s, cardy: JCrew-sister’s

Yes. I did it. I braved the INSANE crowds at Old Navy for Black Friday in hopes of getting my dream coat for 60% off. (They didn’t have it. Disappointed ensued.) Sisters and I stood in the cold for over an hour waiting for the doors to open. When they did open the doors we could see people scooping up things they didn’t even need only because they were $1. Running around like chickens with their heads cut off, they grabbed all that they could. It. Was. RIDICULOUS.

We only actually shopped for 45 minutes but because of the lines we weren’t out of there until 2.30. (AM!) My two sisters checked out and I was up next. The woman scanned all of my merch and then a coupon. Then it happened. The computer froze. No movement. No sign of it responding. I knew it wasn’t her fault! No one can help a technology issue. I reassured her when she apologized that everything was fine! And it really was!
However, this group of grown women didn’t have my patience. One of them walked up to my cashier, and said, “Um, are you going to move us to another line? Everyone is moving and we’re just standing here!” She kept insisting that the cashier do something about it though she and the manager were doing all they could with 100+ people in the store to help. A couple of minutes later when the manager was shutting down the register to reboot it, a woman from another line came to gripe him out for something she thought he should have done. Shortly after the same group of women starting demanding $5 off coupons for the trouble they were put through. THE NERVE!
The manager moved me to the register behind the one I was on to be rechecked out and that cashier sympathized with my intense frustration aimed at the grown women acting like children. I made sure to genuinely thank the people who did their best to amend the situation.

I had a really hard time not going back into the store and giving that group a piece of my mind. I was shaking I was so angry. On Thanksgiving? Demanding you deserve something because you think you were wronged? IN.SANE.

Needless to say, there was a great deal of humility and gratefulness that morning. Not to mention an eye-opening experience on how the world truly is. It’s ugly. But only because sin made it that way. Thank God he has saved us and loves us despite our hideousness.

So! Thank you Old Navy for putting on a great GobblePalooza and staying up all hours of the night to do your job even though some may be unappreciative.

Happy Thanksgiving, all.

PS. I got that ON dress on sale from $45 to $13! Thanks, GobblePalooza. 🙂

My Favorite Color

dress: Old Navy, shoes: Buffalo Exchange, necklace: f21, watch: found

I love this color but I rarely ever find it. Considering how well blues and greens go with red hair I don’t have a lot of navy or hunter green in my closet!

As you read this I’m probably singing/about to sing in my student recital. When I finish singing I can finally start work on my paper and presentation due next Tuesday, ha!

Is it really almost Thanksgiving?