I. Am. So. Tired. I think my body is culminating all the nights this semester that I’ve stayed up wahayyy past my bedtime. Now, it’s nearly 11pm, but I know I should have been asleep at 7! So please forgive the extreme silence/break on the blog this past week and a half. I’m doing good to get dressed every morning. Last night I thought today was going to be Friday (no class this Friday!) so I didn’t pack a lunch, get my books together, or figure out what to wear. But, thanks to Carino’s and their secret text messages a bunch of us ate lunch there together to ‘buy one and get one’ lunch FREE.
Hello $5 spicy chicken pasta…
After my last, extremely easy midterm I headed into Henderson, but only after not following my map and taking the really long way around into town, to get our car aligned. Hallelujah. I can let go of the wheel for a millisecond and not go flying off the road. By the way, thanks rural areas for having no shoulders on your roads. You’ve really saved us a lot of money in car mechanics.
Jason told me when I went there to firmly deny anything else they’d try to sell me. Gullible me I didn’t think they’d try to sell me anything else because I was only there for just an alignment. Three or four other people came in for just one thing and he ended up selling a couple of them new tires. NEW TIRES?! This guy is good. This is how he got me… Remember when I got a flat tire on my way to school and bent the rim because of said country roads? Well we bought a new tire and rim for that, but apparently it being so out of line it eroded that new tire, too. So what did ol’ mustache man come to tell me in that black and white checkered room? “Well, you’re going to need at LEAST one new tire, but you really should get two. I can’t align them until you do.”
Thanks, mustache face. I’ll call my husband and see what we can do. I nearly fell out when Jason said to go ahead and get the tire. We are driving 10+ hours this weekend after all. So I got the new tire. And ye old cobalt blue Kia Spectra drives like a dream now. I can now safely put on my makeup every morning in the car without fearing my life drive to school!
Right now, Jason is still at work taking down a chalkboard and replacing it with one of those fancy new Smartboards. Poor guy. He’s had kind of a hard week. People keep bringing him their home computers wanting him to fix them. Computers aren’t necessarily his passion so they’re the last thing he wants to be doing when he gets home. But at least he’s getting a little money out of it! Hooray Florida money!
How’s your week going? Hope you get to do/got to do something neat on spring break!
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