Our Thanksgiving! I Know It’s January.

Okay… so Thanksgiving was more than a month ago. More like, two months ago. But hey! It’s Thanksgiving and nothing makes me feel better than looking at pictures of delicious food.

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The turkey was huge and mom basting it made her hand look like an alien. Also, turkey butt.

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Mmm… pie.

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Mom’s fall decorations on the porch. Simple and festive. Plus we really love burlap around here.

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YUM. I still crave this meal every time I look at these pictures. We stayed home and had Thanksgiving with just us. We missed our extended family but it was nice to lounge around with the windows open all day knowing we had nowhere to be. Smelling the turkey cook and watching mom bake and her pajamas… it’s the best. Also not having to put on makeup or look presentable to stuff my face was a big plus.

How was your Thanksgiving? What kind of pie did you have? I’m hungry.




Our Beach Vacation… A Month Later (Part 3)


Isn’t it amazing how great the light can be at the beach about 6:00? Gosh, it’s really amazing. No shadows, perfect light off of the sand, and that sunset! GEEZ! I can’t even.


A GIANT storm rolled through our last afternoon there. It was being a little dramatic and faked us all out. But it sure was pretty…


This great little plant shop called Clay. I could’ve stayed in there for hours… it was so amazing. Shady, light filled, so many things to fill a garden with. It made me all starry eyed! Too bad I can only keep cacti alive…


Oh, and I cut my foot on a sneaky shell hidden in the sand! 🙁 Don’t worry, I lived.


So here’s my amazing family. We are a basketcase. A lot of nut jobs. But we are family. And we love each other. Right? Right. 🙂 (Oh and in this picture we are missing about 10 people. Yeah, I know!)



We love you Grayton!


Our Beach Vacation… A Month Later (Part 2)

I hope you like reminiscing as much as I do because I’ve got another small mountain of beach pictures to share with you. Do you like living vicariously? Good. ;P


My mom has been following Justin Gaffrey since our first trip to Florida. We visited his gallery in Seaside and were enamored with his unique paintings. He uses a literal TON of paint every six months. It’s incredible! Check him out, please! My new bucket list item is to own one of his pieces. My mom’s birthday was coming up so we surprised her with a trip to his gallery in Blue Mountain and then surprised her again with a small piece of his work. 🙂 She cried. It was great.





Part three tomorrow… 🙂 Last one I swear!



Our Beach Vacation… A Month Later (Part 1)


About a month ago my family and I took an amazing trip to Grayton Beach Florida. It was the best beach we could have been to. So relaxed, casual, and a bar right next door. That’s where I had the worst margarita of my life. :/ But the food was good! I took a load of pictures and have whittled them down to a small mountain to share with you. It was an amazing trip and I’m already ready to go back.


Oh! I love the beach. I remember my very first beach vacation. My dad’s side of the family rented a lime green house in Galveston, TX. There was a hot bed of mosquitoes right outside the front door. There was a cement screened in porch as soon as you walked in and 70s decor filled the house. I remember dark brown sand, jellyfish, and millions of games of Wahoo. I was convinced my cousin, Bailey, cheated but she swore against it. 🙂

Beaches have a special place in my heart. I want to visit all of them in my lifetime but I think Grayton is my favorite so far. 🙂 All along highway 30A is a slew of different little beach towns. There’s one for everyone!

Sigh… I miss it. 🙂



Part two tomorrow! 🙂

Melody’s Miraculous Momofuku Meltaways

If you know me, you know I am a chocolate fanatic. I’m selling myself short here. I would marry it if I could. Yeah, that’s right. I said it. I love dark, milk, white, full of almonds, full of cream, full of anything really. So you can imagine my disappointment when I ventured into the kitchen for my fix and found *GASP* none! What’s a girl to do? Hit up Pinterest, duh. I almost immediately found this recipe in my Sweet Treats board.


I started to make them but quickly realized we had almost none of the required ingredients. Spoiler Alert! There is a happy ending and you can go HERE to my mom’s Free Recipe Friday blog (amazing, succulent food every Friday!), read it AND get my recipe! 🙂 Say hello to my mom while you’re there!

Hi, mom!


Happy Saturday!


The One With Me in a Swimsuit


hat: F21, sunnies: local boutique (Dressin’ Gaudy), suit: F21

A couple of summers ago I discovered these retro swimsuits when Ashley of I Believe in Unicorns was wearing one. Someone in the comments asked where she bought it and I nearly immediately bought one too. 🙂 I’ve since forgotten what site that was but now they are everywhere. (Ashley if you’re reading help me out! 🙂 I’m pretty proud of myself for going out on a limb and buying a suit that wasn’t popular but because I loved it. I got several looks and compliments on the beach that summer. 🙂
Lesson: wear what you want. Whenever you want. Promise?

This suit is from Forever21 and it sold out not too long after I bought it. Modcloth has some adorable options but be prepared to spend about $80+. If I had the dough, I’d do it in a heartbeat! (The other one I have is exactly like this one!)

What are your suits for the summer? I’d love to see!

Happy Friday!