Our Backyard

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Since my sister was throwing her birthday party outside in our backyard, our parents bought a fancy new firepit. It poured rain the night of her party but we’ve been out by it several times since then making very good use of it.

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There’s something magical about sitting around a fire for hours. It’s like time stops and electricity doesn’t matter and makes your body tired at normal hours. After a night around a fire I’m ready to hit the sack smelling like smoke. I love camping. You can find me out by this all spring and summer. Bring the ‘mallows.



Ina Garten’s Chocolate Globs

Winter took our little town by surprise a few weeks ago and threw sleet and snow all over the ground. A huge pink glob was hovering over us on the radar with no end in sight. Our power was fine all afternoon and then wham! Shut off. It surged a couple times before giving up completely.

After some panics and talk of Slenderman we lit all the candles we had and then sat around saying now what? Mom had the brilliant cliche idea of pulling out a board game. Specifically Wahoo. We’ve played this game for as long as I can remember and it’s the first board we pull out on vacations. If you’re not familiar, each player takes four colored marbles and rolls dice to move around the board to eventually get them all “home.” Rudy won, surprisingly.

Thank the Lord I had the foresight to bake cookies before all of that calamity.

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These… are so delicious. We skipped the nuts in this recipe and just used what we had. It’s a very forgiving recipe and you can throw whatever you want in it! Make them. Now.

Recipe here!




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top: H&M, vest: thrifted, jeans: Old Navy, flats: Target, headband: Forever21

My sister’s birthday was on Saturday and she turned fifteen. FIFTEEN. YOU GUYS. WHAT. She had over 15 teens and it was nuts. They were too cool to eat the homemade slider burgers my mom made and all the popcorn and snacks and were content sitting shy on the couch flirting and watching scary movies and screaming when the girls got scared.

This is what I wore. Comfortable and cool enough to let the kidz know that I was totally not a square. Nailed it.

I’m going back to work this week after having been off for five days. I had a gorgeous vacation: family dates, sleeping in, junk food, and peace. It was calming and refreshing. Just what I needed. I feel great going back to work! Here’s to hoping I’ll still feel this way after being back a week. 😛

Happy Tuesday!


Rudy is Fifteen

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Last Saturday was my sister’s fifteenth birthday. It was nuts. I can’t believe she’s fifteen now! I’m just getting used to her being fourteen. She had a lot of friends over and they made noise and ran around and hung out on the front porch that we never go out on because it’s so small. For her present, Shel and I filled a basket full of candy and makeup and cash; three of her favorite things. That cake? Yeah. That’s an ice cream cake that was the best cake we’ve ever eaten. Thanks, Mom!



Love you, Ruby! 🙂


You guys. If you ever get a chance to go to South By So What?! you should so go. My primary reason for going was to see Taking Back Sunday but they didn’t play til 8 on Friday night so I browsed the set list and found several new bands to love and even MET one of them! OH MY GOSH it was amazing. But I always feel so weird after meeting a band I love. I gush and gush and they’re so sheepish and grateful. Didn’t hurt that they were super handsome, either. 😉


South By So What?! started seven years ago and is a 3-day music festival featuring lots of locals and lots of popular bands. There was a lot of screamo on Friday but we had a freaking blast, and even though I’m not a fan of screamo I came to really like We Came As Romans! (Look them up! They put on a crazy cool show.)

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The line to get in looked insane but once we got inside the baseball stadium venue it wasn’t nearly as crowded as I thought it would be. The weather was perfect all day and there was ample shade in the stadium seats. Perfect.
On Saturday, though, I heard they had to cancel a couple of the headliners due to severe weather. Mike Ziemer, the founder, was pretty broken up about it but let all the people that went Saturday get in Sunday for free with their ticket. Pretty cool guy.

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Those teeny tiny people on that stage are Under Dog House. Two of the dudes my friend Kait and I went to college with and are super cool dudes. I’m a big fan of their music so you should czech them owt! Plus they’re coming out with some new tunes soon! I’m super proud that they got to play this festival. So awesome.

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Oh and apparently this is the drummer for We Came As Romans. My friend’s boyfriend was freaking out but too shy to take a picture so I sneaked one. You’re welcome, Don.

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If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook you’ll know how much I’ve been freaking out over Everything’s Gonna Be Alright by Mike Mains and the Branches. WELL LOOK! THERE THEY ARE! They.Were.Incredible. I was too embarrassed to go and meet them afterward but I downloaded three free songs off the back of a sticker they gave me. LOVE THEM.

We kept seeing that dude in a suit walking around the venue all day and thought he was super profesh and then realized it was Mike Mains himself. 🙂

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FEVER.DREAMER. I freaked when they took the stage. Month of Sunshine has been the only song, besides the Mike Mains song, that I’ve listened to this last month and a half and it was so cool to hear it live. I worked up the courage to go up and meet them literally right as we were walking out. I gushed and gushed to the handsome gentlemen and they told me their album is coming out in the next month or two. I WILL BE THE FIRST TO BUY IT. PS. Hi Zack and Cody. (Am I creepy, yet?)

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And Taking Back freaking Sunday. Put on the greatest show known to man and I felt 14 again. It was beautiful. And apparently Adam Lazzara, the lead singer, lived in Tyler! Small world. I love them so much. I hope to see them play again one day.

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SWAG. On our way out two girls in a hardcore Red Bull Mini Cooper said, “Hey guys! Want a Red Bull?” And we were like, “Yeah, okay.” So I got a blueberry Red Bull which was actually delicious. It hyped us all up for ten minutes then we crashed. But hey, SWAG, right?


I had the best time. I’ll be going again next year! And hopefully SXSW too!


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You Can’t Ever Leave

Sunday was grey and moody just like the rest of the weekend. It just so happens to be my favorite kind of weather. I could live in rain and snow for the entire year and never see sun and I’d be happy. Maybe I should just move to Seattle…

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blouse: H&M, dress: Target, tights: Target, wedges: Target

I swore up and down that I would never jump on the dumb sneaker wedge trend. Every time I thought of them I pictured white Keds wedges and I just didn’t get it. Until these. I bought this pair, a tan pair and I’ve got my eye on a chrome pair. 🙂 Somebody stop me.

We’re going to celebrate my sister’s birthday with my grandparents tonight even though her birthday is Saturday. She’s getting her bottom braces tomorrow and won’t be able to eat (haha) so we’re eating early! Everyone wish Rudy a happy 15 birthday Saturday! (yikes. 15.)

I only worked Monday and Tuesday this week and took off the rest of the week. I’m so glad for a mini vacation with a road trip to South By So What?! on Friday with my best friend and her boyfriend! WOOHOO! I am so.excited.

Bands I’m looking forward to seeing:
Taking Back Sunday
Mike Mains and the Branches
Fever Dreamer
Bryce Gilbertson
The Used

Are you going? I’m only going on day one! If you’re going come find me!

Happy Hump Day!