My Empty Apartment

In hindsight I probably should’ve posted this before the big apartment tour. But what is this blog but a chronologically irregular account of my life.

I remember the day I moved. I remember the day I went down by myself to pick up my keys. I remember the day my sister, Shelby, and I went down to sign my lease. Every one of those moments inside those days is burned on my heart. Precious moments, man. Precious. Moments.

So many feels! This move happened so fast, but took so long to happen. In one day I had a job and an apartment, and the only reason it took me longer than two weeks to move here was because I was finishing up at my last job. I think I would’ve gone the very next day if I had been prepared. Tears, elation, shock, fear; my head was swimming. I wouldn’t trade those days for anything.Empty storage building

What an absolutely surreal feeling to see my storage unit empty. I took my time sweeping it clean that day. Symbolic of my life over the last two years, I guess. Starting fresh. Rainbow

The day my parents and I picked up the trailer we were using to move, this enormous double rainbow filled the sky. I was reminded of the constant faithfulness of our God and it’s still enough to make me want to cry.


Quick selfie as I headed down to pick up my keys. This day. I was so anxious to just be there I filled my car up as much as possible and moved boxes and plastic bins for an hour by myself. This is before I cried like a baby.


I grabbed my keys from my apartment manager (super cool girl) and headed upstairs for the first time to my place. I remember standing in the “hallway” (where the linen closet, bedroom, and bathroom doors converge) staring at my empty living room and just started crying. I am here, was all I could think. My mind was flooded with all the things that had to happen to get me here and I was overwhelmed with gratefulness. I’ll never ever forget that moment. Sometimes, even now, I have to remind myself of that when I stupidly get jealous of a bigger patio, better kitchen, or different location. I. Love. My. Place. So. Much.

Apartment front

This is the day Shel and I went down to sign my lease. I got a quick (and terrible) video of my empty place and we left to go thrifting. I could’ve stood there all day.


This apartment has become my home. A place where I cry, laugh with new friends, cook myself dinner, live. I love living my life here.

