Three Really Good Colors

cardi: F21, dress: Target, booties: Old Navy, earrings: JCrew

These colors are so pretty! Jason was weirdly in love with this outfit. When I changed (in the car) on the way to a jazz concert last night he was really disappointed. That’s how I know it was good. 🙂 I only have one more week of classes and then I have finals. There is Yeeeeikes. Can’t wait for it to be over!! EEEK! So if you don’t hear from me next week don’t feel bad. Just be glad you’re not in my shoes. 🙂

Pink Stripes

shirt: Target, jeans: Target, earrings: Goodwill, sandals: Aeropostale (old)

This is probably the first time I’ve ever paid full price for anything at Target besides food. But who buys food at Target? I’m going a little crazy over here because I nearly forgot about a big test this week so I was up way too late studying last night and still have a presentation to give tomorrow and a 10 page paper to write before finals.

Curse you procrastination.

See you in May.

Mama Bear Will Kill You

cardi, tights, dress, necklace: F21, boots: UO

That’s a little pathetic that most of my outfit is from Forever21, right? Yeesh. Currently I’m sitting on the couch waiting for Jason to get back with the best Chinese food on the planet. They cook it to order and it is so.flipping.good. Seriously. If you’re ever in Henderson GETCHUSOME at China Cafe. Forreals.

I actually had a semi productive day. I got a needed recital credit (we have to have 10 each semester as music majors), baked a cake, and got a third of the way through a test review. This is big news, okay. Normally I’m waiting until two nights before to even begin hacking my way through that giant review. I still have a lot to do for next week but I’m inching my way through. And that counts for something, right?

So a few months ago Jason decided to let Toonces outside “just for a little bit”. I almost had a heart attack. I’ve always always been so paranoid about any of my pets running away. I’m a good pet mom, right? I feed you, I give you water, I bathe you, I pet you… why would they run away? I think that fear stems from all the times my cousins’ pets ran away.

It was a lot.

So when I walked around the corner after taking these pictures and saw this:

All of my instincts wanted to grab him and run inside. But Jason just stood next to him the entire time and when he got a little too adventurous nearing the neighbor’s yard (a cat motel) Jason gave in to my panics and took him inside. Though Toonces nearly darted back for the door before we got it all the way closed. Poor guy. He lived outside since he was born up until we took him home after we got married.

Now, Little Bit would be the one that would actually probably run away. Her personality is so flighty and crazy she probably wouldn’t give it a second thought. Toonces, though, is reserved. But now that we’ve let him taste a bit of freedom he wants it all! Jason really wants to get them harnesses and take them on walks. Wouldn’t that be hilarious?

Polka Polka Dot Dot

shirt: Old Navy, cardi: F21, bracelets: F21, pants: F21, wedges: Target

This is probably my favorite outfit on the planet. Oh, and those pants have pockets. Seriously. Best pants ever. And the lighting lately has been seriously great! It’s nice not to have to rush outside as soon as I get home before the sun sets.

The semester is ending CRAZY fast! All of a sudden I only have two and half (!!!!!!!) weeks until finals. I only just realized how short it is and now I’m having a panic attack. Yikes. There is LOTS to do around here!

Oh, and Jason wanted to show you guys just how long those stripes in the road are:

Not the Seafood

shirt: Target, jeans: F21, hat: F21, sandals: Buffalo Exchange

I wore this last weekend when we went to watch an ultimate frisbee tournament. Jason’s idea. 🙂 While there we texted a friend of ours that goes to school down there and we ended up hanging out for the rest of the night. Then when we left and stopped to get gas, a drunk college kid came up to me and said, “HEY. Can I take a picture with your hat on?” I said, “Uh, sure.” This was only after the girls he was with walked in on someone in the bathroom. He took the picture, handed me back my hat and then I said, “Okay, I hope you don’t have lice.” He said, “Nope. Just crabs.”

Thank you, SFA.

PS. Seriously let me know how you like the updates to the site! I need to know what it’s like from a reader’s standpoint. I don’t always notice the little things. I did fix the comment issues. It no longer validates and takes forever! Hooray! So please feel free to comment here. I also added a ‘FOLLOW’ tab up at the top with a dropdown menu of all the ways you can keep up with me. I also added new ‘FOLLOW’ buttons on the left for Bloglovin’ and RSS. So feel free to follow those ways!

It Really Happened!

cardigan: F21, shirt: Hanes, necklace: F21 (similar), jeans: Target via Goodwill (similar), shoes: F21, glasses: Rue21 (similar)

This weekend I managed to organize my entire closet and finally put away all my winter stuff. Whew! The cats were no help. Toonces laid right in the middle of all of my clothes while I worked around him. Then when I was changing the sheets he’d move for a second then jump right back on the bed. Ridiculous.

In some cooler news, (don’t remember if I’ve blogged about it before?) I got an email in February from a graphic designer working for the Christian bookstore Mardel’s. He wanted to use a picture from this post for the release of the Passion 2012 CD. I was flabbergasted! Nothing this cool had ever happened to me before. He said I wouldn’t be able to show anyone the picture, especially on my blog, until the release date March 13. We were in Florida during that week and since then haven’t been near a Mardel’s to see if my picture was there.
A few days ago my old youth pastor called me and left a voicemail saying he thought he was looking at my picture and that he was going to call my mom and ask her. My parents went to the same store on Saturday and sent me this picture:

I couldn’t believe it! That’s my picture! Nick, the graphic designer, somehow found me and liked it enough to use it for the release of the CD nationwide. How crazy awesome is that!? They told my youth pastor that if I brought in the email confirming it was my picture they’d give it to me when they were done with it. EEEE! 🙂

So if you see this in a store near you, take a picture of it and show me!