That Time We Were Stalked in Drug Emporium

striped dress: Old Navy, lace skirt: Target, sandals: F21, sunglasses: thrifted
Thanks Shel for the pics!

I love this dress. The only problem is it’s just a tad too short for me. Layering tights underneath is fine for cooler temps but it is WAY too hot for that. After exhausting my brain for other options I saw this skirt begging to be layered underneath. It adds just enough length to this dress to be worn without leggings. Woohoo! Skirt shopping has a whole new dimension now. 🙂

Yesterday I went with my sister to take our other sister to the movies with some friends. We wasted time in the hidden gem that is Drug Emporium looking at all the health foods and super cheap hair products. Whilst on said hair products aisle, I happened to look to my left and see a gentleman about our age giving me the side eye while “looking” at the shampoo. I wish I could show you the look he was giving us. It was like a cheesy detective following someone around and hiding behind a cereal box.
I secretly pulled Shel to another aisle so I could tell her and laugh together. We walked back out of that aisle and passed the same guy like he had come to find us.
We moved to the other side of the hair aisle and looked over towards the front of the store. He was standing by the curling irons watching us. Again.
We moved again to another part of the store. Watching us. Again.
We moved to the makeup counter thinking he’d back off if we were in the feminine part of the store. Shel walked over to me and said, “He’s at the perfume counter.” I said, “Yeah.. let’s check out and leave.”
We walked to the front of the store, checked out while keeping a watchful eye, and walked out.
I looked over to Shel and asked if he was still watching us. She didn’t want to look but neither did I. I got in the passenger side of the car and turned back to look.


What kind of…?!

We talked the whole way home about how we wish we were brave enough to approach people like that. But a weirdy stalker guy in the middle of the day following two girls around in a health store? WHO DOES THAT?

Maxi it Out

cardi, necklaces, skirt, sandals: F21, shirt: Target, 

Back in the swing of things with a little too warm of an outfit. 🙂 Wore this Sunday when my sister and I sang in church. I felt absolutely horrible. I’ve been sick with a cold since about Thursday and it’s gotten progressively worse. Sunday I woke up feeling worse than the day before. Got through the service and was convinced I had a 1,000 degree temp. Checked it and it was normal. Oh, the mind! Such a tricky thing. I popped this outfit back on yesterday to snap some pictures of it and I was just as hot as the day I actually wore it.

And so begins my never-ending hate of the summer season…

Rusty Jeans

cardi: F21, shirt: Pacsun (old), jeans: F21, boots: Urban Outfitters

Well, one big project down and one more to go. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Meanwhile, I will continue to pick up whatever clothing is in my floor and put it on. Except for this one. I actually planned this one.

Jason and I have been some pretty stressed out people this week. The school got a new principal which brings changes and new policies that Jason is having to get used to. For me, I’ve got a big paper and finals to worry about. At least for me my stress ends at 5:30 next Thursday. Poor Jason has to muddle through this into the summer. 🙁 Poor guy. I’ll be sure to make plenty of homemade mashed potatoes to keep him happy.

On a happier note, what are some of your favorite colors to wear? These jeans are becoming my favorite thing ever. Thanks, mom!

One. More. Week. and Metallic Shorts

shorts, lipstick: Stormy Pink by Revlon

I’m always so self-conscious when I wear shorts. I’ll wear a skirt or dress all day long but put me in shorts and I feel like everyone is staring at my legs! I almost didn’t even wear these but then thought when will I actually wear them if not now? So on they went!

I went to my last recital Friday night! No more will I have to worry about getting enough recital credits for the semester! I’M DONE FOREVER! I’m going to save so much gas and time now! Hooray! And only one more week of class! 😀 Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go make some french toast and procrastinate doing my paper.

Three Really Good Colors

cardi: F21, dress: Target, booties: Old Navy, earrings: JCrew

These colors are so pretty! Jason was weirdly in love with this outfit. When I changed (in the car) on the way to a jazz concert last night he was really disappointed. That’s how I know it was good. 🙂 I only have one more week of classes and then I have finals. There is Yeeeeikes. Can’t wait for it to be over!! EEEK! So if you don’t hear from me next week don’t feel bad. Just be glad you’re not in my shoes. 🙂

Pink Stripes

shirt: Target, jeans: Target, earrings: Goodwill, sandals: Aeropostale (old)

This is probably the first time I’ve ever paid full price for anything at Target besides food. But who buys food at Target? I’m going a little crazy over here because I nearly forgot about a big test this week so I was up way too late studying last night and still have a presentation to give tomorrow and a 10 page paper to write before finals.

Curse you procrastination.

See you in May.