striped dress: Old Navy, lace skirt: Target, sandals: F21, sunglasses: thrifted
Thanks Shel for the pics!
I love this dress. The only problem is it’s just a tad too short for me. Layering tights underneath is fine for cooler temps but it is WAY too hot for that. After exhausting my brain for other options I saw this skirt begging to be layered underneath. It adds just enough length to this dress to be worn without leggings. Woohoo! Skirt shopping has a whole new dimension now. 🙂
Yesterday I went with my sister to take our other sister to the movies with some friends. We wasted time in the hidden gem that is Drug Emporium looking at all the health foods and super cheap hair products. Whilst on said hair products aisle, I happened to look to my left and see a gentleman about our age giving me the side eye while “looking” at the shampoo. I wish I could show you the look he was giving us. It was like a cheesy detective following someone around and hiding behind a cereal box.
I secretly pulled Shel to another aisle so I could tell her and laugh together. We walked back out of that aisle and passed the same guy like he had come to find us.
We moved to the other side of the hair aisle and looked over towards the front of the store. He was standing by the curling irons watching us. Again.
We moved again to another part of the store. Watching us. Again.
We moved to the makeup counter thinking he’d back off if we were in the feminine part of the store. Shel walked over to me and said, “He’s at the perfume counter.” I said, “Yeah.. let’s check out and leave.”
We walked to the front of the store, checked out while keeping a watchful eye, and walked out.
I looked over to Shel and asked if he was still watching us. She didn’t want to look but neither did I. I got in the passenger side of the car and turned back to look.
What kind of…?!
We talked the whole way home about how we wish we were brave enough to approach people like that. But a weirdy stalker guy in the middle of the day following two girls around in a health store? WHO DOES THAT?