Saturday’s Stylings

tweed blazer: thrifted, scarf: gift, tights: f21, boots: f21, dress: target

Wore this to my second day of class. This semester’s schedule is so much lighter than last semester. Sleeping in every day of the week? Win. Only one class to write a paper in? Win. Florida this spring break? Double win. 🙂

Happy Weekend!

Spring Break

I had an incredible start to my spring break. 🙂 Well, sort of.

About Thursday, my back had started to hurt again. (I threw it out really bad last semester and was out of school and work for several days.) I woke up that morning and remember thinking, “Ow.” It was a muscle right on my spine on the right side. It was really tender and I didn’t think much of it. Thought I just slept on it wrong and it would go away in a couple of days. Well, it didn’t. It just got worse. At Jason’s cousin’s wedding Saturday night I couldn’t get comfortable during the ceremony because my back was stiff and sore. Sunday afternoon, after church, I went out to the car to go pick up Jason. I sat down in the car, shut the door, turned on the car, and turned on my iPod. As soon as I sat down I knew something was bad. I told myself, “If you can just reach the seatbelt, you’ll be okay from there.” Needless to say, I couldn’t even reach the seatbelt. My back seized up like nothing I have ever felt. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t scream. It was all I could do to find the lever to lower the seat. I slammed the seat down so I could lay on my back. I was still in the driveway and called my mom. She came out there, all I could get out was, “It hurts,” and I started to cry. She ran back in and got my dad. He had to carry me with my legs dangling, into the house. I laid there, my back seizing for the rest of the day.

Today, we had our Engagement Session with Angela Kay Duncan Photography scheduled. Jason and I both thought I wouldn’t be able to do it. Somehow, I was able to make it through the entire session and felt great the whole way through. My back is still stiff, but I feel so much better than yesterday. I am SO thankful for all the prayers. Thank you all so much!

Happy Spring Break!

Melody 🙂