To Be Real

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I’ve made a resolution.

I want to be more real here. More honest. Tell more. I have decided this for several reasons; since getting divorced I have been made brand new. I’ve had an awakening year and experienced searing pain and fresh grace and the hopes of being real here is that someone will be helped. Also, I just want to be real.
Yes, outfit posts and DIYs are so kewl and fun (and will totally continue) but I’m making a resolution to be just a little bit more transparent. All my life I’ve been private about my feelings and thoughts to family and friends but I’ve had to change that to get through the divorce by talking to counselors and family about what happened. Since God has made me new I’ve felt a quiet tug on my heart to share bits of my story and my prayer is that eventually I will be able to minister to others with the story of my life to share the fullness and glory of Jesus and what He has done for me.

Is that cool?


I’m excited.