It’s Raining, It’s Pouring..

Ahh to wake up to the damp, dark sky this morning. It’s a beautiful thing. And then to spend my day singing beautiful music at St. Luke’s in downtown was the cherry on top! I can’t wait for everyone to hear it at our concert on October 15! 🙂

It’s incredible how many opportunities and combinations there are in the world. Like Iron Chef on Food Network, for example. Crazy amounts of expensive food with foreign names are combined with regular grocery items to make a delectable dish. Likewise, single notes are combined to make beautiful chords that are combined with other chords to make a beautiful song like “Hardtimes” by Craig Hella Johnson. (look it up on iTunes!) And none of it ever repeats. Everything is always new and fresh, no matter how good or bad it is, it’s new and different. And do you know why? Because there is a God in charge of it. Making those new things through broken vessels like us. But, why? I don’t know. Only that He chose to make us to glorify Him. And He loves us. We don’t deserve it, but He does.

Even though we choose to stray and manufacture our own plans because we think we are good and just, He still loves us! Awesome, huh?

A few weeks ago I posted a status change asking friends to give suggestions about job opportunities for a music major. I revisited that on my Facebook app this afternoon while listening to KLOVE in my car. Googleing some of the suggestions in Safari, the husband and wife of Addison Road came on. She said, “When we were in college and dating, I had my life all planned out. Now, it looks nothing like I pictured.” The husband then quoted a verse out of Proverbs that said even though we make our own plans, God determines our steps. He went on to say that God has given us desires and passions because He will use them.

How ironic and encouraging is that? As I sat googleing my life’s plan, He told me that no matter how hard I try to lead my own life He will determine my steps and they will be good and right for me. As a young college woman struggling with God’s plan for her life, I connected immediately. At times I feel overwhelming doubt that I won’t end up doing what I want to do. Then I realize, that it’s not about what I want to do. It’s what GOD has planned and what HE wants me to do. Because “He determines our steps.” 🙂
