What We Had of Cold Weather

sweater: goodwill, jeans: f21, boots: gojane belt: target

Seriously the comfiest sweater ever. Oversized, soft, and snuggly. I do need to take the arms in, though. They’re a bit saggy. I wore this on the only cold day we’ve had since the spring. Clearly it was not here to stay. I’m so tired of trying to find cool outfits to wear! Boo, heat!

My New Favorite Shirt

top: goodwill, jeans: AE, wedges: target, watch: found in our house

This is my new favorite shirt. Found at the goodwill. The goodwill in our town is nestled in downtown and it’s pretty cozy as far as goodwills go. If you follow me on Twitter you know that when I bought this shirt it was the first time I’d been shopping in three months. It felt good!

I wore these shoes all day at school Monday. Since they’re only about 3 inches I didn’t think it’d be so bad. But curse that Mossimo brand, for some reason they don’t have much give in the stretch department. So when I went out to my car for lunch (yeah, I eat in my car. every. day.) I took my shoes off. As I was talking to Jason on the phone I happened to look down at my feet. Wait. What’s tha- BLOOD! One of my toes was covered in dried blood. Since-this is embarrassing- I don’t (how should I say this) give my toes the attention they deserve (ie: cut them on a regular basis) this particular toenail was pushed up against the inside of my shoe and nearly ripped the whole nail off.

(If my aunts are reading this, it’s obvious I didn’t heed your advice from the night before my wedding. HAHA! :))

I got home and tended to my nails. Happy ending. 🙂

Hope you all are having a good day!

Bang Bang

Shirt: thrifted
Skirt: Target
Shoes: F21
Necklace: F21


I had an awesome weekend!
Friday night was spent with my bff, Randa, at her fancy lingerie (did I say that?) party. SO much fun. Haven’t seen her since graduation several weeks ago! Enchiladas, cupcakes, and tons of laughs. I had such a good time. It’s just what I needed from being cooped up in this house! She’s getting married this Friday and I CAN’T wait! 🙂

Saturday Jason and I had to take Little Bit, aka the rescue kitten, to the vet. We’d noticed some bald spots appearing in random places on her skin and finally made an appointment to see the vet. As soon as he saw them he said, “Yep. She’s got ring-worms, and you can get them, too.” Ugh. So now I’m paranoid every time I itch. But, he did give us drops for her and shampoo to get rid of them. She also had hookworms! My poor baby. He gave her medicine for them and said we’d need to come back in three weeks to make sure they were going away. Now, she’s quietly sleeping in the sun. I love that girl.

After we took her to the vet we decided to explore our town a bit. We drove through downtown, though most shops were closed, and through the surrounding neighborhoods. They. Are. Gorgeous. For funsies later I looked up houses for sale. 🙂

Saturday night I went with my sisters to see Kung Fu Panda 2. A+ for that movie! So adorable. I ended up spending the night and eating my weight in homemade chocolate turtles.

I hope you’re having an awesome memorial day! We’ll be spending it painting the house and finishing up drywall so we can finally have a party out here!