One of the great things about Colorado is all of the incredible backdrops for outfit photos. Since I’d taken a break posting outfits to Instagram this summer, Ben said he missed taking them for me. Probably one of the greatest things someone could tell me, tbh. So we headed out to Red Rocks Park (a MUST if you’re ever in Colorado) for a mini shoot. The sunset and weather were unbelievable. *drools*

jacket: Vintage (Goldmine Vintage), jeans: Madewell, shoes: Converse,
tee: Luella
These jeans are the most expensive piece of clothing I own. Earlier this year I finally splurged and bought the 10″ high rise crop and I LOVE THEM. They’re my new favorite pair of jeans! They’re on sale right now, too. If I had a job I’d get another pair.
Also, happy Monday! I’m back on the blog, baby. Figured while I’m job-hunting I can use at least *sOmE* of my time wisely. Let me know what you want to see on here because I’m rearing to go!