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2017 goals

Is February to late to post a goals list? Asking for a friend. Trust me, if I don’t write it down it won’t happen. Even though I’ve made goals lists before and completely ignored them, but this time is different, I swear!

If you’re alive, you’ve probably seen goals posts out the wang this year. This list started out as a birthday goal list. The idea is to make a list of x number of items to complete before your next birthday. (x=your current age. #MATH) It gets tougher the older I get and I seem to put off big goals I have out of fear. For the last few years I’ve had the same few things on my list to complete, but after my 26th birthday I’m-seriously-getting-older-and-not-younger-what-am-I-going-to-do-with-my-life crisis I’m making strides to get these done. Like I talked about in one of my recent posts, I’m the most balanced I’ve ever been and arguably the most motivated. So lez do eet.

2017 Goals
  • Start retirement fund
  • Save an emergency fund
  • Save $700 cushion fund Well, I did this and then I used it for emergencies! Back to square one!
  • Get a credit card (See #27.)
  • Finish decorating my apartment and be done I did, and then I moved. So I’m starting over, lol
  • Buy a new computer Welcomed a new iMac to the fam.
  • Budget an entire year and stick to it This is literally impossible.
  • Start a band
  • Redesign blog
  • Travel to two new places
  • Develop a core group of friends (wanna be friends?) I already have a core group of friends. I just didn’t realize it.
  • Get first tattoo
  • Get a second tattoo
  • Meditate more
  • Find a part time work from home gig I LOVE working for Rover! I can literally set my own schedule and I love all of my clients.
  • Lose thirty pounds (I KNOW)
  • Don’t dip into the negative. Ever. (already screwed this one up!)
  • Love yourself more
  • Keep your house as minimal as possible Got rid of SO MUCH STUFF in the move!
  • Visit fifteen Dallas spots on your list
  • Mark off three bucket list items
  • Wear sunscreen every day for a week
  • Complete Whole 60!
  • Go camping
  • Take another friend vacation Heading to the beach in July!
  • Be bold
  • Pay off credit card every month

If I wanna be extra…

  • Buy a bike!
  • Learn to put on false eyelashes
  • Buy good tennis shoes and start running again
  • Paddle board or kayak on White Rock Lake
  • Run a 5k without walking


The good news is I’ve already crossed off a decent amount! The bad news is some of these are abstract and can’t necessarily be measured in a year and some may seem like easy challenges. Like going camping? Easy. Getting a second tattoo? Done. Others are tough, like completing a Whole 60 instead of a Whole30 this go round is going to be difficult, but I can do it! Starting a band? Woof. I look forward to having a benchmark for myself to look back and see how I’ve improved. Crossing something off is the most satisfying thing to me!


Here’s to the next 182 days!



Why 26 Will Be the Best Year Yet

For the last couple of months, I’ve been dreading this day. Turning twenty-six symbolized to me all of the dreams and goals I hadn’t yet accomplished, and diminished those things that I had. Twenty-five held a lot of personal, mental and emotional growth for me. I stretched and ached in ways I never had before, cut out things that held me back and stood up for myself more times than I can count; something I’d not previously known how to do. But all of this growth, this maturity, was all inside. There was nothing truly tangible I could pick up and show you that I’d done this last year.

One of my larger goals in life is to be a full-time musician. Actually, a part-time or part-part-time musician will do. Since age 11 I’ve known this is just what I have to do if I ever want to be fully satisfied and happy. It’s not a compromise for me. It’s not a pipe dream. It’s something I have to do to be really me. (CHEESE BALL) Anyway, part of me naively thought that magically when I exchanged my Gladewater address for a Dallas one that all of these tiny little dreams would manifest themselves. I’d finally get to be who I thought I was supposed to be all those years ago. When none, and I mean none, of that happened I shouldn’t have been surprised when I fell. Hard. Coupled with a rough breakup and being alone in a new city, it was almost all over for me. The amount of times I wanted to pack it all up and move back home is embarrassing. But I stuck it out, probably for no other reason than my incredible stubbornness. I reached out for professional help, and while those months were still incredibly dark, they could’ve been a lot darker. I came out of that season more knowledgeable about my anxiety and depression and how to avoid feeling like that. I decided to stop dating and end those weird little flirty “relationships” with guys I knew would never date me. I ended friendships that, to me, weren’t healthy anymore. I adopted another dog and made hard goals for myself. I let myself dream bigger and stepped out of my comfort zone and met new people. I said ‘yes’ more to the good and ‘no’ to the not good.

So, no. Twenty-five was not a failure. Over the last week I’ve realized that while I still have lofty goals and dreams that haven’t yet been reached, I can reward myself for building a solid soul foundation and surrounding myself with people that lift me up and encourage me. So when I do reach those goals, I can do so in a healthy and strong way. My adult life has been slow going. Sometimes I feel like I’m starting at square one, but the ever looming shadow of twenty-six has reminded me that I’m still here for a reason. I’ve been and done all of this junk for a reason. I moved here for a reason. I still have goals and I still have a life to live and I should stop mourning things that haven’t happened yet. Because that’s just it. They haven’t happened yet.

I’m so grateful to my friends and family for carrying me through this last year. I honestly don’t think I’d be here if it weren’t for all of them. So, thank you. I love you more than you can possibly know.

I’m living all my days in the sun. Cheers to twenty-six!




Sister Style: Happy Birthday, Rudy!


17. SEVEN.TEEN. SEVENTEEN. Honestly I can’t believe it. Seventeen years ago today Ruby Rudy Meredith was born. All throughout mom’s pregnancy I had my fingers crossed for a baby brother. We even nicknamed it Bean Boy. I still remember sitting in that dark ultrasound room when the technician told us it was a girl and feeling jilted. Disappointed. Thank god, He didn’t listen to my prayers!


Having two sisters, three of us, there’s nothing like it. Sisterhood, man. It’s the real stuff. Rudy brought so much diversity. There’s such an age gap between Shelby and me to Rudy; a combined fifteen years. She grew up almost like an only child. We were so much older going through high school and college while she was figuring out how to drive.

It was a struggle, with the three of us, for a while. I found it hard to connect to someone so much younger than me. She was more like a daughter than a sister. (Here’s to never having kids!) It took me, us, a long time to find common ground. Who knew that’d be rap music and makeup?

I can’t remember a time before Rudy. She’s made our family whole and happy. Loud and vibrant. Sassy and uncontrollable. (Heavy emphasis on the sassy.)

She’s not afraid to be different. I am so proud of her for finding her passion in cosmetology and pursuing her degree while still in high school. She has lofty plans for school in LA or Dallas. (DALLAS, PLEASE.) It has been so sweet to watch her grow into a confident and goal-oriented sister. It’s been a long road. I am so proud. I LOVE YOU, RUDY!


A Quarter of a Century

Well, it’s here! The day I turn 25. Pretty anti-climactic, huh? When I was a teenager, I fantasized about who I would be at this age. Older, life together, super cool, established, etc. It’s funny. We make these plans and develop a vision for our future selves, but, at least in my case, they look drastically different from who we are right now. Instead, we live our lives and become the selves we’re meant to be by circumstance, hurts, joys, and just life, man. I still feel like that 14 year old imagining who I’ll be ten years from now at 35. I’ll finally be an adult! I’ll have my life in order! A house! Stacked retirement fund! Worship leader! But the reality is, I live my life and do my best to follow the One guiding my steps and humbly step into the person he’s molding me to be. It’s such a beautifully painful journey.

Beach bummin'

Last year on my 24th birthday I made a very short list of goals to reach by the time I hit 25. I’m happy to report I met them all. Well, except one. (But I mean really, who can save $9,000 in a year on retail salary?)

Fourth of July

Why do I always forget just how much can change in twelve months? September of last year I was dating a guy who turned out to be the living worst and then continued to date a slew of guys that were also kind of the worst. I wouldn’t trade that time, though. In and through that my skin got roughed up and became thicker. I learned to rely on other people. My twenties have just been one hurt after another followed by grace on top of grace and then stacked with indescribable joy on top of joy. (blessings on blessings on blessings amirite) I don’t think I’ll ever not feel like that 14 year old Melody dreaming up visions of her future self.

Cruise wallSister friends!

I don’t want this post to sound like oh, my life is so hard and so sad and blah blah blah because it’s not! I LOVE MY LIFE. I get to live in the coolest city, experience something new every single day, meet new people, work for a non-profit that does some cool stuff, and the list goes on!

Over the last year I saved up and moved to my dream city, bought my dream car, fell in love, ate my weight in chocolate, then lost that weight, become 85% self-sufficient, settled into some serious happiness, and committed to living my own life. Not someone else’s.


I’ll never be the pinnacle of myself. I’ll always be evolving and changing and developing into who I’m supposed to be. And right now, I’m 25 living in Dallas, dating a preeeeetty cool dude, living with the best dog ever in the sweetest apartment ever. What will 26 look like? (OH GOD I’M SO MUCH CLOSER TO 30.)


Happy Birthday September babies! Treat yo self.




Side Note: I should really take some updated selfies. Cruise pics from March are not current, Melody!

Six Party Dress Ideas Under $75


Happy Monday! I’m currently recovering from a whirlwind weekend trip to New Orleans for my friends’ joint bachelor and bachelorette party. (Post to come! Spoiler Alert: IT WAS FUN.) I spent 18 hours in a car riding and driving from New Orleans to Austin to Waco and then home to Dallas. But! I’m awake, thanks coffee. And since my birthday is in two days (!!!!!!) I thought I’d continue the party mood with a few sweet party dress ideas!

Sleeved floral

ONE. How adorable is this ModCloth dress? This is what I pictured when I thought of twirling around for my 25th. Affordable at only $60!

Fuschia ModCloth

TWO. Sigh. This color. This fuchsia is a pretty sweet transition from summer to fall. And that top detail! $65!

Floral Modcloth

THREE. Another floral, shocker. I like the flare of this one better than the first one, but wish it had pockets! Little bit less expensive at $55.

Tulle Skirt Modcloth

FOUR. How fun is this pink tulle skirt?! This would be so fun to traipse around Dallas in on the weekend. It screams birthday! $50.

Emerald Shop Ruche

FIVE. Before this becomes a ModCloth party, let me present to you this emerald gem. My skin tone and hair color look amazing in jewel tones and this emerald would be a subtle stunner. $49!

Red Shop Ruche

SIX. Ever since I saw Julianne Moore (I think) rocking red with her read hair, I fell in love with the trend. Why can’t redheads wear red?! I love the jewel hue of this red, too. $55.


So which one? I mean, they’re obviously all gorgeous and I do need a dress for my friends’ wedding. Which one would you choose?



Pepper Is Now A Toddler

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Tuesday was my puppy’s second birthday! I can’t believe she’s already two. She’s the greatest dog ever and is our favorite gal pal. She hated having this hat on though, so we had to hold it on her head. But watching her try and take it off was even cuter.

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We celebrated by laying on the concrete out back and throwing her favorite green frisbee around and feeding her table scraps.

Happy Birthday, Pepper! Here’s to a million more. 🙂

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